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Publikacje z roku 2017
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Low-frequency tripping characteristics of residual current devices
- Stanisław Czapp
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
Fast development of various types of converters makes their utilization in industry and in domestic installations very common. Due to converters, an earth fault current waveform in modern circuits can be distorted or its frequency can be different than 50/60 Hz. Frequency of earth fault (residual) current influences tripping of residual current devices which are widely used in low voltage systems. This paper presents the behaviour of residual current devices when residual current of frequency lower than 50 Hz flows. The results of the analysis have shown that many of commonly used residual current devices are not able to detect residual current when its frequency is significantly lower than 50 Hz. Thus, protection against electric shock may not be effective.
Low-Level Aerial Photogrammetry as a Source of Supplementary Data for ALS Measurements
- Katarzyna Bobkowska
- Adam Inglot
- Marek Przyborski
- Jędrzej Sieniakowski
- Paweł Tysiąc
The development of laser scanning technology ALS allows to make high-resolution measurements for large areas result-ing in significant reduction of costs. The main stakeholders at heights data received from the airborne laser scanning is mainly state administration. The state institutions appear among projects such as ISOK. Each point is classified in ac-cordance with the standard LAS 1.2, our research focuses on the class 6 - buildings. In the project ISOK, the buildings are not measured in whole (from every side).A typical way to measure the missing elements is to increase the coverage of the cross and additional raids which unfortunately increases the cost measurements. An alternative solution density point clouds ALS is the use of optical scanning and UAV. The article shows the process of density the point clouds coming from ALS using point cloud obtained through optical scanning.The methods that illustrate the process of compaction data format LAS using the following methods: point cloud having field coordinates in the system compatible with the system of clouds acquired with ALS, point cloud in the local system, point cloud in the local system without the scale.The file size, depending on the density of the point cloud was analyzed.
LSS Plutus - Lean Six Sigma dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw
- Piotr Grudowski
- Ewa Leseure
Książka w przystępny sposób prezentuje metodykę adaptującą koncepcję Lean Six Sigma do potrzeb małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Autorzy pracy zwracają jednocześnie uwagę na specyfikę tego sektora w naszym kraju, przedstawiając jednocześnie przykłady dobrych praktyk stosowanych z powodzeniem w przedsiębiorstwach francuskich.
Lumiere et sante
- Karolina M. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
- Anne Bureau
La recherche médicale et scientifique a démontré que notre santé et notre bien-être sont fortement liés la lumière. Les impacts de la lumière sur la santé peuvent être regroupés en trois catégories : – les influences de la lumière naturelle sur le fonctionnement biologique des êtres humains ; – les impacts potentiellement négatifs de l’éclairage artificiel actuel sur la santé ; – l’utilisation de la lumière à des fins thérapeutiques (luminothérapie). La prise de conscience de notre sensibilité physique à la lumière (que la lumière soit « naturelle » ou « artificielle ») et la connaissance de ses bienfaits ou de ses méfaits potentiels visent à encourager son utilisation raisonnée.
M2M communications system proposal for maritime applications
- Małgorzata Gajewska
This article describes the proposal to use the M2M communication to enhance the safety of people, ships and other marine infrastructure, in broadly defined marine systems. In addition, there are numerous examples of planned solutions to be implemented in the near future as well as new services. The proposal for M2M communication system architecture is described below. In addition, the use of the STRUGA system radio interface as the M2M communication interface is proposed.
- Marta Gosz
Magazynowanie energii cieplnej pozyskanej ze źródeł odnawialnych to obiecująca technologia mająca poprawić wydajność energetyczną budynków. Jest to obecnie popularny temat wielu badań dążących do doboru optymalnych parametrów magazynu, takich jak jego rozmiar, rodzaj wypełnienia, lokalizacja i sposób instalacji w budynku. Każdy z tych czynników ma istotny wpływ na zmniejszenie zapotrzebowania energetycznego zarówno w sektorze budownictwa prywatnego, jak i komercyjnego. Niniejsza praca stanowi przegląd istniejących systemów magazynowania ciepła oraz rozwiązań, za pomocą których wkomponowane zostały one w bryłę budynku.
Magnetic and capacitive couplings influence on power losses in double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
- Stanisław Czapp
- Robert Kowalak
- Robert Trębski
- Stanisław Pokora
Purpose – The paper aims to discuss problems of power and energy losses in a double-circuit overhead transmission line. It was observed from energymeters’ readings, that in such a line, active power losses can be measured as “negative”. The “negative” active power losses appear when the active power injected to the circuit is lower than the active power received at the circuit end. The purpose of this paper is to explain this phenomenon. Theoretical considerations based on mathematical model of the transmission line of pi-type confirming that effect are presented. Power losses related to series impedance of the line and to shunt admittance are calculated. The theoretical considerations are confirmed by measurements done on the real transmission line.
Magnetic semiconductor photocatalysts for the degradation of recalcitrant chemicals from flow back water
- Anna Zielińska-Jurek
- Zuzanna Bielan
- Izabela Wysocka
- Judyta Strychalska-Nowak
- Marcin Janczarek
- Tomasz Klimczuk
In the present study treatability of persistent organic compounds from the flow back water after hydrauling fracturing was investigated. The combination of TiO2 photocatalyst and magnetic oxide nanoparticles enhance the separation and recoverable property of nanosized TiO2 photocatalyst. Fe3O4/ TiO2 and Fe3O4@SiO2/TiO2 nanocomposites were prepared by heteroagglomeration. The photocatalysts’ characteristics by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) showed that sample with the mass ratio of Fe3O4 to TiO2 equal 1:4 and molar ratio of TEOS:Fe3O4 ¼ 8:1 and NH4OH:TEOS ¼ 16:1 obtained by deposition TiO2 P25 (Evonik) on magnetite core had about 124 m2 g1 specific surface area and superparamagnetic properties. The prepared composites contained TiO2 and Fe3O4 crystal phases. The photocatalytic activity was estimated by measuring the decomposition rate of three model pollutants identified in the flow back water from one of the Baltic Shale Basin. Regarding flow back water treatment after shale gas exploration, the progress of photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds was measured by chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration. The Fe3O4@SiO2/TiO2_P25 composite nanoparticles were recovered and re-used without significant reduction of efficiency.
Magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities for relativistic hydrogenlike atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
- Patrycja Stefańska
In this paper we present tabulated data for magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities (χ_{M1→E2}) for Dirac one-electron atoms with a pointlike, spinless and motionless nucleus of charge Ze. Numerical values of this susceptibility for the hydrogen atom (Z = 1) and for hydrogenic ions with 2 \leqslant Z \leqslant 137 are computed from the general analytical formula, recently derived by us (Stefanska, 2016), valid for an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. In this work we provide 30 tables with the values of χ_{M1→E2} for the ground state, and also for the first, the second and the third set of excited states (i.e.: 2s1/2, 2p1/2, 2p3/2, 3s1/2, 3p1/2, 3p3/2, 3d3/2, 3d5/2, 4s1/2, 4p1/2, 4p3/2, 4d3/2, 4d5/2, 4f5/2 and 4f7/2) of the relativistic hydrogenlike atoms. The value of the inverse of the fine-structure constant used in the calculations is α−1 = 137.035999139, and was taken from CODATA 2014.
Magnetism and charge density waves in RNiC2(R=Ce,Pr,Nd)
- Kamil Kolincio
- Marta Roman
- Michał Jerzy Winiarski
- Judyta Strychalska-Nowak
- Tomasz Klimczuk
We have compared the magnetic, transport, galvanomagnetic, and specific-heat properties of CeNiC2, PrNiC2, and NdNiC2 to study the interplay between charge density waves (CDW) and magnetism in these compounds. The negative magnetoresistance in NdNiC2 is discussed in terms of the partial destruction of charge density waves and an irreversible phase transition stabilized by the field-induced ferromagnetic transformation is reported. For PrNiC2 we demonstrate that the magnetic field initially weakens the CDW state, due to the Zeeman splitting of conduction bands. However, the Fermi surface nesting is enhanced at a temperature related to the magnetic anomaly.
Making agile retrospectives more awesome
- Adam Przybyłek
- Dagmara Kotecka
According to the textbook [23], Scrum exists only in its entirety, where every component is essential to Scrum’s success. However, in many organizational environments some of the components are omitted or modified in a way that is not aligned with the Scrum guidelines. Usually, such deviations result in missing the full benefits of Scrum [24]. Thereby, a Scrum process should be frequently inspected and any deviations should be corrected [23]. In this paper, we report on an Action Research project conducted in Intel Technology Poland to revise the work practices related to the Retrospective. During the focus group discussion in the company, retrospectives were generally judged ineffective because “the same things are discussed over and over”. To cope with this challenge, we revitalized retrospectives by adopting collaborative games. The feedback received from three Scrum teams indicates that our approach improved participants’ creativity, involvement, and communication, and produced better results than the standard retrospective.
Managerial Education and Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Students: Is There a Link?
- Krzysztof Zięba
- Jakub Golik
The role of entrepreneurship over the last few decades has constantly been growing for a number of reasons. This is accompanied by a growing number of students choosing fields of study where entrepreneurship education is an indispensable part of the curriculum, such as business studies or management. Efficiency of entrepreneurship education, often measured by entrepreneurship intentions revealed by students, is examined in numerous papers. Only a handful of them, however, pay attention to differences between various fields of study. Those differences in entrepreneurial attitudes of students enrolled for different studies may possibly be a result of dissimilar impact of entrepreneurship education combined with their core education (science, art, business, etc.). It is also possible that those differences may come from the initial choice of the field of studies; supposedly students of management may be of a more entrepreneurial nature than their non-managerial counterparts and that is why they choose this field of studies. The authors of this article decided to fill in the existing gap by checking whether students-beginners enrolled for management studies are in fact more entrepreneurial than students who enrolled onto other – non-managerial – fields of study.
Manganese(III) Promoted Cyclization of N-alkenyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) amides to Iso-Oxacepham Potent β-Lactamase Inhibitors
- Punda Paweł
- Shielmann Marta
- Sławomir Makowiec
Background: β-Lactams are still a subject of interest of organic chemists. The main reason for this interest is due to their application as a chemotherapeutic. β-Lactam antibiotics are still the most commonly used drugs in bacterial infections. Method: Methods using 4-exo-trig radical cyclization leading to β-lactams are an alternative to classical Staudinger`s β-Lactams formation. We prepared N-alkenyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)amides to check the action of internal nucleophile. In the next step, with use of Mn(OAc)3 promoted radical cyclization 3- carbamoyl, 3-tiocarbamoyl and 3-phosphoryl β-lactams containing intramolecular nucleophile were prepared. These intermediates were able to induce the second ring closing through a carbocation trapping. Results: Iso-oxacepham derivatives were synthesized by the 4-exo-trig radical cyclization as innovative one-pot approach. Subsequent cyclization process of N-alkenyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amides to 7- substituted iso-oxacephams was described. Influence of carbamoyl, thiocarbamoyl and phosphoryl moieties located on C-7 position of iso-oxacephamic scaffold on β-lactamase inhibitory activity was confirmed on bacterial β-lactamases from group C. Conclusion: In this paper, we describe alternative approach for the synthesis of 7-substituted isooxacepham. The hypothetic reaction mechanism for the second ring closing was confirmed. The β- lactamase inhibition was observed in case of four synthesized compounds.
Manufacturing collective intelligence by the means of Decisional DNA and virtual engineering objects, process and factory
- Cesar Sanin
- Mohammad Waris
- Carlos Toro
- Edward Szczerbicki
Engineering collective intelligence is paramount in current industrial times. This research proposes and presents case studies for collective knowledge structures required in the industry field. Knowledge structures such as Set of Experience and Decisional DNA are extended into more advanced knowledge structures for manufacturing processes. These structures are called Virtual Engineering Object, Virtual Engineering Process and Virtual Engineering Factory. All knowledge structures are implemented and tested in two industrial manufacturing cases of collective knowledge, plus one more case of manufacturing innovation where the case study results proved them as practical standards for engineering collective intelligence.
- Andrzej Chybicki
One of the most promising new applications of remote observation satellite systems (RO) is the near-shore bathymetry estimation based on spaceborn multispectral imageries. In recent years, many experiments aiming to estimate bathymetry in optically shallow water with the use of remote optical observations have been presented. In this paper, optimal models of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) for relatively turbid waters of the South Baltic Sea were presented. The obtained results were analysed in terms of depth error estimation, spatial distribution, and overall quality. The models were calibrated based on sounding (in-situ) data obtained by a single-beam echo sounder, which was retrieved from the Maritime Office in Gdynia, Poland. The remote observations for this study were delivered by the recently deployed European Space Agency Sentinel-2 satellite observation system. A detailed analysis of the obtained results has shown that the tested methods can be successfully applied for the South Baltic region at depths of 12-18 meters. However, significant limitations were observed. The performed experiments have revealed that the error of model calibration, expressed in meters (RMSE), equals up to 10-20% of the real depth and is, generally, case dependent. To overcome this drawback, a novel indicator of determining the maximal SDB depth was proposed. What is important, the proposed SDB quality indicator is derived only on the basis of remotely registered data and therefore can be applied operationally
Market Price Prediction of Property Rights from Gas Fired Plants or Plants with Total Installed CHP Source Capacity Below 1 MW until 2025
- Alicja Stoltmann
- Adrian Miller
- Paweł Bućko
The resolution on the Polish Energy Policy until 2030 (PEP-30) was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 10 November 2009. The document specifies the combined electricity and heat generation as a direction of pursuing the goals of energy efficiency, fuel and energy supply security, competitive fuel and energy markets development, and reduction of the energy sector’s environmental impact. PEP-30 assumes that electricity generation from high-efficiency co-generation will double by 2020 compared to 2006. Since 2007, a support scheme for CHP generators has been in place in Poland, in the form of transferable property rights from the energy origin, so-called certificates. The yellow certificate is granted for energy generated in gas-fired plants or in units with a capacity below 1 MW. The amendment to the Energy Law extends the support scheme’s validity until the end of 2018. This paper presents the market price prediction for property rights in CHP until 2025 for gas fired plants or plants with the total CHP source installed capacity below 1 MW, assuming the scheme’s extension in its present form.
Mata bentonitowa w renowacji kanału derywacyjnego elektrowni wodnej Gródek na rzece Wdzie.
- Witold Sterpejkowicz-Wersocki
Procesy starzenia budowli hydrotechnicznych i konieczność dokonywania ich okresowych remontów i modernizacji. Uszczelnianie kanałów i zapór ziemnych podlegających stałym procesom filtracyjnym w okresie eksploatacji. Przyczyny podjęcia remontu kanału derywacyjnego elektrowni wodnej Gródek na rzece Wdzie oraz wpływ wykonanych robót na poprawę stanu technicznego budowli.
- Mateusz Kmieć
- Michał Antoszkiewicz
- Robert Jankowski
- Marek Szkodo
The microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing (HF)process. An array of several hundred geophones is placed on the surface to record little ground tremors induced by fracturing process. Filtration and summation of signals from geophones is essential to identify and locate fracturing events from underground. Authors propose a method of matched filtering, that is usually used for detection of outliers in music records, to improve signal to noise ratio. A real data acquired from patch array of receivers in east pomerania during hydraulic fracturing operation is used for the research. The data is analysed on several levels of summation, starting from line signals through patch signals, ending with stack signal. The patterns are acquired from known events detected by our commercial partners - Seismic s.r.o. Strong events and perforation shots signals of known locations are analysed and compared with only-noise records giving the evaluation of detectability.
Matematyczne modelowanie wpływu drzew na uwilgotnienie i odkształcenia gruntów ekspansywnych
- Sławomir Michalski
Grunty ekspansywne występują na znacznych obszarach Polski. Zmianom wilgotności gruntów ekspansywnych towarzyszą zmiany objętościowe, które mogą być przyczyną awarii płytko posadowionych obiektów budowlanych. Istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na uwilgotnienie gruntów ekspansywnych jest pobór wody przez drzewa. Rozprawa zawiera opis autorskiej metody numerycznej, mogącej służyć do modelowania zmian wilgotności gruntów oraz wywołanych tymi zmianami odkształceń gruntów ekspansywnych. Model oparty jest o metodę objętości skończonych i jawny schemat całkowania w czasie. W celu zapewnienia stabilności obliczeń schematem jawnym zaproponowano kryterium doboru kroku czasowego oparte o zmiany wilgotności. Za pomocą opracowanego modelu przeprowadzono obliczenia wpływu zasięgu i rozkładu gęstości strefy korzeniowej oraz dobowej transpiracji na wielkość spodziewanych deformacji gruntu. Wyniki wskazują, że największy wpływ na odkształcenia ma wielkość transpiracji.
Materiały biologiczne pochodzące od ptaków jako źródło informacji o zanieczyszczeniu środowiska Cz. I. Wykorzystanie piór ptaków w celu biomonitoringu środowiska
- Aneta Pacyna-Kuchta
- Żaneta Polkowska
Pióra ptaków skutecznie mogą być wykorzystywane jako narzędzie biomonitoringu. Ze względu na specyfikę wzrostu pióro ma zapis narażenia danego osobnika na związki toksyczne w dłuższym czasie, zwykle kilku tygodni.