Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2017

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  • Assessment of Lipophilicity Indices Derived from Retention Behavior of Antioxidant Compounds in RP-HPLC
    • Ioana-Anamaria Sima
    • Agata Kot-Wasik
    • Andrzej Wasik
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Costel Sarbu
    2017 Pełny tekst MOLECULES

    Reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography was employed in order to evaluate the lipophilicity of antioxidant compounds from different classes, such as phenolic acids, flavanones, flavanols, flavones, anthocyanins, stilbenes, xantonoids, and proanthocyanidins. The retention time of each compound was measured using five different HPLC columns: RP18 (LiChroCART, Purosphere RP-18e), C8 (Zorbax, Eclipse XDBC8), C16-Amide (Discovery RP-Amide C16), CN100 (Saulentechnik, Lichrosphere), and pentafluorophenyl (Phenomenex, Kinetex PFP), and the mobile phase consisted of methanol and water (0.1% formic acid) in different proportions. The measurements were conducted at two different column temperatures, room temperature (22 °C) and, in order to mimic the environment from the human body, 37 °C. Furthermore, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to obtain new lipophilicity indices and holistic lipophilicity charts. Additionally, highly representative depictions of the chromatographic behavior of the investigated compounds and stationary phases at different temperatures were obtained using two new chemometric approaches, namely two-way joining cluster analysis and sum of ranking differences.

  • Assessment of Supercapacitor’s Quality by Means of Low Frequency Noise
    • Arkadiusz Szewczyk
    • Janusz Smulko
    • Łukasz Lentka

    Low frequency noise is a well-known tool for quality and reliability assessment of electronic devices. This phenomenon is observed in different electrochemical devices as well (e.g., smart windows, electrochemical corrosion processes). Thus, we can assume that the same tool can be used to asses quality of supercapacitors. Their quality is usually determined only by capacitance and/or equivalent series resistance (ESR), or impedance. Degradation of supercapacitors’ is indicated by a change of capacitance and ESR and is measured by the established methods, determined by industrial standards. We propose to extend these methods by using low frequency noise measurements which should be in our opinion more sensitive to any changes degrading supercapacitors’ structures. This task is quite difficult because capacitance of the tested specimen is at least about a few or even a few dozens of Farads. It means that we can measure 1/f noise at very low frequency range only. This method is a new one and should be helpful in developing more advanced and economically efficient supercapacitors. We discuss requirements for the measurement set-up and its possible configurations. Next, the prepared measurement set-up consisting of current/voltage sources, a switching unit, a data acquisition board and a computer controlling the process is described. Some experimental noise measurements are presented as well.

  • Assessment of the impact of bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes)
    • Agnieszka Stępień
    • Jacek Zebrowski
    • Łukasz Piszczyk
    • Valentina Boyko
    • Sergii Riabov
    • Tatiana Dmitrieva
    • Vladimir Bortnitskiy
    • Mykhailo Gonchar
    • Renata Wojnarowska-nowak
    • Joanna Ryszkowska
    2017 Pełny tekst POLYMER TESTING

    The assessment of the impact of the bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes) Tecoflex® and Tecothane® is presented. The polyurethane samples were incubated with pure cultures of the microorganisms at 30 °C for five months. The changes in the chemical structure of the polymers were evaluated using loss of weight and contact angle measurements, infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), mass spectrometry (Py-MS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the thermogravimetric analysis (TG). In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were applied for imaging changes in surface morphology of the poly(ether urethanes). Comparative analysis of these polyurethane features before and after incubation with the microorganism cultures showed that Tecoflex® was less stable than Tecothane®. This can be explained by the presence of aromatic rings within the diphenylmethane diisocyanate group in the chemical structure of the latter. Bacterial strains of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens showed a much more prominent destructive effect compared to the strain of yeast Y. lipolytica.

  • Assessment of the technological reliability of a hybrid constructed wetland for wastewater treatment in a mountain eco-tourist farm in Poland
    • Andrzej Jucherski
    • Maria Nastawny
    • Andrzej Walczowski
    • Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski
    • Magdalena Gajewska

    The aim of the present study was to assess the technological reliability of a domestic hybrid wastewater treatment installation consisting of a classic three-chambered (volume 6 m3) septic tank, a vertical flow trickling bed filled with granules of a calcinated clay material (KERAMZYT), a special wetland bed constructed on a slope, and a permeable pond used as a receiver. The test treatment plant was located at a mountain eco-tourist farm on the periphery of the spa municipality of Krynica-Zdrój, Poland. The plant’s operational reliability in reducing the concentration of organic matter, measured as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD),was 100%whenmodelled by both the Weibull and the lognormal distributions. The respective reliability values for total nitrogen removal were 76.8% and 77.0%, total suspended solids – 99.5% and 92.6%, and PO4-P – 98.2% and 95.2%, with the differences being negligible. The installation was characterized by a very high level of technological reliability when compared with other solutions of this type. The Weibull method employed for statistical evaluation of technological reliability can also be used for comparison purposes. From the ecological perspective, the facility presented in the study has proven to be an effective tool for protecting local aquifer areas.

  • Assurance Case Patterns On-line Catalogue
    • Monika Szczygielska
    • Aleksander Jarzębowicz
    2017 Pełny tekst

    Assurance case is an evidence-based argument demonstrating that a given property of a system (e.g. safety, security) is assured. Assurance cases are developed for high integrity systems, as in many industry domains such argu-ment is explicitly required by regulations. Despite the fact that each assurance case is unique, several reusable argument patterns have been identified and pub-lished. This paper reports work on development of an on-line assurance case patterns catalogue available in NOR-STA web-based software tool. This work included an extensive literature search, critical evaluation of available patterns and selection of most relevant ones, finally translation of selected patterns to their target representation. The paper also describes a validation case study in which an assurance case for medical devices was reviewed and restructured by introducing patterns. The resulting catalogue was published and its 45 patterns can be directly used in assurance cases built using NOR-STA tool.

  • Asymptotic Expansion Method with Respect to Small Parameter for Ternary Diffusion Models
    • Marek Danielewski
    • Henryk Leszczyński
    • Anna Szafrańska
    2017 Pełny tekst Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences

    Ternary diffusion models lead to strongly coupled systems of PDEs. We choose the smallest diffusion coefficient as a small parameter in a power series expansion whose components fulfill relatively simple equations. Although this series is divergent, one can use its finite sums to derive feasible numerical approximations, e.g. finite difference methods (FDMs).

  • Asynchroniczny system fazolokacyjny
    • Jarosław Sadowski

    Artykuł zawiera opis zasady działania oraz budowy prototypu cyfrowego systemu fazolokacyjnego. System ten został zaprojektowany do obsługi nawigacji morskiej, przy czym jego cechą charakterystyczną jest możliwość pracy zarówno w trybie synchronicznym, z wyróżnioną stacją główną i zestawem stacji podległych, jak i w trybie asynchronicznym, w którym wszystkie stacje bazowe są taktowane niezależnie z własnych generatorów wzorcowych. Przedstawiona została konstrukcja urządzeń prototypowych oraz wstępne wyniki badań laboratoryjnych.

  • Asynchroniczny system fazolokacyjny
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    • Jacek Stefański
    2017 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    Referat zawiera opis prototypu systemu fazolokacyjnego w wersji asynchronicznej. Przedstawione zostały założenia wstępne, konstrukcja systemu oraz parametry użytkowe, uzyskane podczas testów systemu w warunkach laboratoryjnych.

  • Asynchronous phase-location system
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    • Jacek Stefański
    2017 Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology

    This paper presents concept and implementation of digital phase-location system, designed as a navigational aid for marine applications. The main feature of the proposed system is the ability to work in both synchronous mode, with one master station and set of slave stations synchronised with master, and in asynchronous mode with independent clocking of all stations.

    • Ewa Piątkowska
    • Wojciech Litwin
    2017 Pełny tekst TRIBOLOGIA

    Water lubricated bearings find increasingly wide application in shipbuilding or hydro–power industry, the popularity stemming from their numerous advantages. Unfortunately, as it turns out, water lubricated bearings do not always meet expectations, as on occasion they become subject to intense, premature wear which requires costly repair. One of the still unexplained phenomena is the process of excessive bearing wear, in particular that of shaft journal co-working with rubber bushing. The research goal was to evaluate the influence of shaft bending stress on the degree of its wear. Experimental tests were carried out on a purpose-designed test stand. The results of the first test series confirmed that the shaft bending stresses do have impact on the magnitude of wear.

  • Audyt organizacyjny. Uwarunkowania społeczne i ekonomiczne dalszego rozwoju gminy Trąbki Wielkie
    • Paweł Bykowski
    2017 Pełny tekst

    Diagnoza to uchwycenie na podstawie badań ilościowych i jakościowych mocnych i słabych stron rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego gminy Trąbki Wielkie. Raport obejmuje część diagnostyczną oraz wnioskową dotyczącą postulatów zmian i przeobrażeń w badanych segmentach

  • Autentyczność na zajęciach zwiększających kompetencje w użyciu specjalistycznego języka angielskiego
    • Barbara Kołodziejczak
    • Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska
    • Magdalena Roszak

    Włączenie zasobów i aktywności online do sylabusa tradycyjnego kursu akademickiego wymaga restrukturyzacji programu nauczania w celu osiągnięcia efektu synergii. Rozwój technologii internetowych umożliwił edukatorom przejście od czysto instruktywistycznych praktyk dydaktycznych do zajęć opartych na ideach konstruktywistycznych i konstrukcjonistycznych. Dzięki zmianie paradygmatu nauczanie i uczenie się jest bardziej ukierunkowane na studenta. Większą rolę zaczynają odgrywać interakcja, praca zespołowa i autentyczny kontekst edukacyjny wynikający z kształcenia wykorzystującego materiały autentyczne używane w czasie wykonywania autentycznych zadań kształtujących autentyczne kompetencje potrzebne do osiągnięcia sukcesu w autentycznym środowisku pracy. W artykule przedstawiono część rezultatów badań nad rozwojem umiejętności użycia języka angielskiego specjalistycznego u studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu i Politechniki Gdańskiej. Celem zaprezentowanej fazy było określenie korelacji pomiędzy rozwojem poszczególnych umiejętności językowych, a autentycznym kontekstem, w jakim były one kształcone.

  • Authentication of whisky due to its botanical origin and way of production by instrumental analysis and multivariate classification methods
    • Paulina Wiśniewska
    • Ricard Boqué
    • Eva Borràs
    • Olga Busto
    • Waldemar Wardencki
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Tomasz Dymerski

    Headspacemass-spectrometry (HS-MS), mid infrared (MIR) and UV–vis spectroscopywere used to authenticate whisky samples from different origins and ways of production ((Irish, Spanish, Bourbon, TennesseeWhisky and Scotch). The collected spectra were processed with partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to build the classification models. In all cases the five groups ofwhiskieswere distinguished, but the best resultswere obtained by HS-MS, which indicates that the biggest differences between different types of whisky are due to their aroma. Differences were also found inside groups, showing that not only raw material is important to discriminate samples but also the way of their production. The methodology is quick, easy and does not require sample preparation

  • Authenticity Assessment of the "Onisiówka" Nalewka Liqueurs Using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Sensory Evaluation
    • Magdalena Śliwińska
    • Paulina Wiśniewska
    • Tomasz Dymerski
    • Waldemar Wardencki
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    2017 Pełny tekst Food Analytical Methods

    The “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur is a regional Polish alcoholic beverage, which is inscribed on the list of regional and traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Poland. It is produced from multiflower honey, black elderberry flower syrup, and spirit. Due to fact that the “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur has never been investigated, these studies are the foundation for further work on this regional alcoholic beverage. The main aim of this work is the authenticity assessment of the “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueurs by means of qualitative characteristics of volatile fraction and sensory evaluation. Tentative identification has been performed using two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOFMS). Application of GC×GC-TOFMS allowed for detection of around 350 compounds present in the volatile fraction of the “Onisiówka” from which 102 compounds were tentatively identified. PCA results showed that the first two principal components constitute 96.98% of total variance. Statistical analysis was used to visualize relations between tentatively identified compounds; therefore, it has been demonstrated that 23 chemical compounds may have significant influence on the overall flavor and taste of the “Onisiówka”. These substances belong to four chemical classes, in which the greatest number is represented by esters (13), aldehydes (6), alcohols (3), and one terpene compound. According to the sensory evaluation, the Onisiówka is characterized by sweet, honey, fruity, flowery, bitter, and spirituous flavor and taste.

  • Authenticity of Architectural Heritage in a Rebuilt City. Comments to Vaclav Havel’s Impression after His Visit in Gdansk in 2005
    • Grzegorz Bukal
    • Piotr Samól
    2017 Pełny tekst IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    There is no doubt that authenticity is a cardinal feature of architectural heritage and should be protected in the same way as historical and cultural value of monuments or their integrity. Sometimes, one decides to reconstruct a destroyed historical building due to important emotional, scientific, artistic or political reasons (e.g. the Zwinger Palace in Dresden or the Royal Castle in Warsaw). However, the solution which should be an unusual exception too frequently becomes a common and unnecessary practice in contradiction to the sense of architectural conservation. Moreover, a significant part of the society accepts this kind of action and mistakenly believes that copies of historical buildings are originals. Vaclav Havel, the former Czech president and the Nobel Prize winner, gave some consideration to this issue during his last journey to Gdańsk in 2005. With a dilettante casualness, contrary to the modern principles of conservation, Havel concluded that not the authenticity, but beauty/aesthetic value of monuments would matter to common people. In this paper, we try to confront his remarks with the main issues concerning the rebuilding of Gdańsk after the Second World War, especially the partial protection of the city’s historical plan and the socialist transformation of allegedly reconstructed burgher houses. We also outline the sad circumstances which led to the post-war annihilation of many survived historical houses in Gdańsk and show how they were ultimately replaced with the neo-historical façades. Moreover, we try to provoke reflection on this matter among people (including some architects) living in the era of “liquid modernity”.

  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface
    • Paweł Kapłański
    • Alessandro Seganti
    • Krzysztof Cieśliński
    • Aleksandra Chrabrowa
    • Iwona Ługowska

    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in which a set of requirements is automatically translated into a working application. It is presented as a generalization of the current state of the art model-driven approaches both from the conceptual perspective as well as the concrete implementation is discussed together with its advantages like the alignment of business logic with the application and ease of adaptability. It also presents how a high level of traceability can be obtained if runtime support of automated reasoning over models is applied. Results: We have defined the Automated Reasoning-Based User Interface (ARBUI) approach and implemented a framework for application programming that follows our definition. The framework, called Semantic MVC, is based on model-driven engineering principles enhanced with W3C standards for the semantic web. We will present the general architecture and main ideas underlying our approach and framework. Finally, we will present a practical application of the Semantic MVC that we created in the medical domain as a Clinical Decision Support System for GIST cancer in cooperation with the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw. The discussed expert system allows the expert to directly modify the executable knowledge on the fly, making the overall system cost effective.

  • Automatic analysis of the aggressive behavior of laboratory animals using thermal video processing
    • Magdalena Mazur-Milecka
    • Jacek Rumiński

    The bite detection is very important but difficult element of the social interaction analysis. Standard observation methods like human observer or a camcorder of visible light frequencies fail in this case. However, it is possible to discern cooler spots on the rodent's body that appear after body contact with another individual, and vanish after short time. These spots are assumed to be a saliva trace left on fur after bite. In this paper we have described a result of saliva trace detection by the most popular corner detectors. The analysis of traces and their parameters is also presented. The dynamic characteristic of the temperature change of the saliva trace enables the automatic discrimination of the related characteristic point from other corner points. This can be very useful for the automatic analysis of social behavior of animals in many pharmacological studies.

  • Automatic music set organizatio based on mood of music / Automatyczna organizacja bazy muzycznej na podstawie nastroju muzyki
    • Magdalena Piotrowska
    2017 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    This work is focused on an approach based on the emotional content of music and its automatic recognition. A vector of features describing emotional content of music was proposed. Additionally, a graphical model dedicated to the subjective evaluation of mood of music was created. A series of listening tests was carried out, and results were compared with automatic mood recognition employing SOM (Self Organizing Maps) and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks).

  • Automatic recognition of therapy progress among children with autism
    • Agata Kołakowska
    • Agnieszka Landowska
    • Anna Anzulewicz
    • Krzysztof Sobota
    2017 Pełny tekst Scientific Reports

    The article presents a research study on recognizing therapy progress among children with autism spectrum disorder. The progress is recognized on the basis of behavioural data gathered via five specially designed tablet games. Over 180 distinct parameters are calculated on the basis of raw data delivered via the game flow and tablet sensors - i.e. touch screen, accelerometer and gyroscope. The results obtained confirm the possibility of recognizing progress in particular areas of development. The recognition accuracy exceeds 80%. Moreover, the study identifies a subset of parameters which appear to be better predictors of therapy progress than others. The proposed method - consisting of data recording, parameter calculation formulas and prediction models - might be implemented in a tool to support both therapists and parents of autistic children. Such a tool might be used to monitor the course of the therapy, modify it and report its results.

  • Automatic road traffic safety management system in urban areas
    • Jacek Oskarbski
    2017 Pełny tekst MATEC Web of Conferences

    Traffic incidents and accidents contribute to decreasing levels of transport system reliability and safety. Traffic management and emergency systems on the road, using, among others, automatic detection, video surveillance, communication technologies and institutional solutions improve the organization of the work of various departments involved in traffic and safety management. Automation of incident management helps to reduce the time of a rescue operation as well as of the normalization of the flow of traffic after completion of a rescue operation, which also affects the reduction of the risk of secondary accidents and contributes to reducing their severity. The paper presents the possibility of including city traffic departments in the process of incident management. The results of research on the automatic incident detection in cities are also presented.