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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2024

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  • Application of the Flipped Learning Methodology at a Business Process Modelling Course – A Case Study
    • Marzena Grzesiak
    • Marek Moszyński

    Flipped learning has been known for a long time, but its modern use dates back to 2012, with the publication of Bergmann and Saams. In the last decade, it has become an increasingly popular learning method. Every year, the number of publications on implementing flipped learning experiments is growing, just as the amount of research on the effectiveness of this educational method. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using the flip blended methodology for teaching in the area of BPM. The pilot flipped learning course was implemented as a Business Process Modeling course addressed to Gda´nsk University of Technology students and the feedback from the course participants has been collected. Among the pre-class resources, PDF files (containing descriptions and screenshots of the relevant issue) and videos were most often used. The aim of this research was to gather students’ opinions on flipped learning and, based on these insights, to design well-founded changes. Many students did not point out the disadvantages of flipped learning. Still, some believe this method may be less effective than the traditional one. Based on the research results, a course redesign will be prepared according to the flipped learning framework.

  • Application of the Heavy-Atom Effect for (Sub)microsecond Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and an All-Organic Light-Emitting Device with Low-Efficiency Roll-off
    • Michał Mońka
    • Szymon Gogoc
    • Karol Kozakiewicz
    • Vladyslav Ievtukhov
    • Daria Grzywacz
    • Olga Ciupak
    • Aleksander Kubicki
    • Piotr Bojarski
    • Przemysław Data
    • Illia E. Serdiuk
    2024 Pełny tekst ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    Thefeatureof abundantandenvironmentallyfriendlyheavyatoms(HAs)like bromineto acceleratespin-forbiddentransitionsin organicmoleculeshas beenknownforyears.In combinationwiththe easinessof incorporation,brominederivativesof organicemittersshowingthermallyactivateddelayedfluorescence(TADF)emergeas a cheapand efficientsolutionforthe slowreverseintersystemcrossing(rISC)problemin suchemittersand strongefficiencyroll-offof all-organiclight-emittingdiodes(OLEDs).Here,we presenta comprehensivephotophysicalstudyof atri-PXZ-TRZemitterreportedpreviouslyanditshexabromoderivativeshowinga remarkableenhancementof rISCof up to 9 timesand a shortlifetimeof delayedfluorescenceof 2μs. Analysisof the key molecularvibrationsand TADFmechanismindicatesalmostcompeteblockageof the spin-fliptransitionbetweenthe charge-transferstatesof differentmultiplicity3CT→1CT.In sucha case,rISCas well as its enhancementby the HA is realizedvia the3LE→1CT transition,where3LE is the tripletstatelocalizedon the samebrominatedphenoxazinedonorinvolvedin the formationof the1CT state.Interestingly,the spin−orbitcoupling(SOC)withtwo other3LE statesis negligiblebecausethey are localizedon differentdonorsand not involvedin1CT. Weconsiderthis as an exampleof an additional“localization”criterionthat completesthe well-knownEl Sayedrule on the differentnatureof statesfor nonzeroSOC.The applicativepotentialof sucha hexabromoemitteris testedin a “hyperfluorescent”systemcontaininga red fluorescentdopant(tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene,DBP)as an acceptorof Försterresonanceenergytransfer,affordinga narrow-bandred-emittingsystem,withmostof the emissionin the submicroseconddomain.In fact, the fabricatedredOLEDdevicesshowremarkableimprovementof efficiencyroll-offfrom2−4 timesdependingon the luminance,mostlybecauseofthe increaseof the rISCconstantrate and the decreaseof the overalldelayedfluorescencelifetimethanksto the HA effect.

    • Roksana Licow
    • Franciszek Tomaszewski
    2024 Archives of Transport

    The article presents a comprehensive method for using vibration signals to diagnose railway tracks. The primary objective is to gather detailed information on track conditions through a passive experiment. This involves using mobile diagnostic tools and techniques to assess railway infrastructure. The article elaborates on the range of diagnostic activities conducted in accordance with detailed railway regulations and highlights the benefits and capabilities of mobile diagnostics in railway transport. The research includes mobile field measurements across the general railway manager’s network, employing vibration signals to detect and evaluate track conditions. The methodology section provides a thorough description of the mobile measurement rail platform, detailing the equipment used, the routes taken for measurements, and the processes of data acquisition and processing. The data obtained from these measurements is crucial for understanding the actual technical condition of the railway tracks. The method of obtaining and processing data is explained in relation to the real technical condition of the railway track. This involves using transducers with specific parameters and parametrically defined signal recording, along with dedicated analysis techniques in post-processing. Vibration signals serve as the primary carrier of information in this diagnostic method. The article details the step-by-step procedures for collecting and analyzing these signals to provide accurate assessments of track conditions. Based on the results from the mobile measurement rail platform, the article characterizes various areas of diagnostics where vibration signals are particularly effective for technical evaluation. These areas include identifying track defects, monitoring track surface and railway crossing and assessing the overall structural health of the railway infrastructure. The use of vibration signals offers a non-invasive and efficient means of track diagnostics, providing real-time data for maintenance and repair decisions. In conclusion, the article underscores the significance of mobile diagnostics in enhancing the safety and reliability of railway transport. By leveraging vibration signals and advanced data processing techniques, this method provides a framework for continuous monitoring and assessment of railway track conditions, ultimately contributing to improved maintenance strategies and operational efficiency.

  • Approaches Towards Better Immunosuppressive Agents
    • Juliusz Walczak
    • Dorota Iwaszkiewicz-Grześ
    • Grzegorz Cholewiński

    Several classes of compounds are applied in clinics due to their immunosuppressive properties in transplantology and the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Derivatives of mycophe-nolic acid, corticosteroids and chemotherapeutics bearing heterocyclic moieties like methotrexate, azathioprine, mizoribine, and ruxolitinib are active substances with investigated mechanisms of action. However, improved synthetic approaches of known drugs and novel derivatives are still being reported to attempt better accessibility and therapeutic properties. In this review article, we present the synthesis of the designed chemical structures based on recent literature reports con-cerning novel compounds as promising immunosuppressive drugs. Moreover, some of the dis-cussed derivers revealed also other types of activities with prospective medicinal potential.

  • Approximate and analytic flow models for leak detection and identification
    • Marek Tatara
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    2024 Pełny tekst International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

    The article presents a comprehensive quantitative comparison of four analytical models that, in different ways, describe the flow process in transmission pipelines necessary in the task of detecting and isolating leaks. First, the analyzed models are briefly presented. Then, a novel model comparison framework was introduced along with a methodology for generating data and assessing diagnostic effectiveness. The study presents basic assumptions, experimental conditions and considered scenarios. Finally, the quality of the model-based diagnostic estimators is assessed, focusing on their bias, standard deviation, and computational complexity. Here, several optimality criteria are used as detailed indicators of the quality and performance of the estimators in a multi-criteria Pareto optimality assessment.

  • Approximation algorithms for job scheduling with block-type conflict graphs
    • Hanna Furmańczyk
    • Tytus Pikies
    • Inka Sokołowska
    • Krzysztof Turowski

    The problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines (identical, uniform, or unrelated), under incompatibility relation modeled as a block graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, is considered in this paper. No two jobs that are in the relation (equivalently in the same block) may be scheduled on the same machine in this model. The presented model stems from a well-established line of research combining scheduling theory with methods relevant to graph coloring. Recently, cluster graphs and their extensions like block graphs were given additional attention. We complement hardness results provided by other researchers for block graphs by providing approximation algorithms. In particular, we provide a 2-approximation algorithm for and a PTAS for the case when the jobs are unit time in addition. In the case of uniform machines, we analyze two cases. The first one is when the number of blocks is bounded, i.e. . For this case, we provide a PTAS, improving upon results presented by D. Page and R. Solis-Oba. The improvement is two-fold: we allow richer graph structure, and we allow the number of machine speeds to be part of the input. Due to strong NP-hardness of , the result establishes the approximation status of . The PTAS might be of independent interest because the problem is tightly related to the NUMERICAL -DIMENSIONAL MATCHING WITH TARGET SUMS problem. The second case that we analyze is when the number of blocks is arbitrary, but the number of cut-vertices is bounded and jobs are of unit time. In this case, we present an exact algorithm. In addition, we present an FPTAS for graphs with bounded treewidth and a bounded number of unrelated machines. The paper ends with extensive tests of the selected algorithms.

  • Arabinoxylans: A review on protocols for their recovery, functionalities and roles in food formulations
    • Fernanda Jimena Hernández-Pinto
    • Juan Daniel Miranda-Medina
    • Abril Natera-Maldonado
    • Óscar Vara-Aldama
    • Mary Pily Ortueta-Cabranes
    • Jorge A. Vázquez del Mercado-Pardiño
    • Safaa A.M. El-Aidie
    • Shahida Anusha Siddiqui
    • Roberto Castro Munoz

    Arabinoxylans (AXs) are compounds with high nutritional value and applicability, including prebiotics or supplementary ingredients, in food manufacturing industries. Unfortunately, the recovery of AXs may require advanced separation and integrated strategies. Here, an analysis of the emerging techniques to extract AXs from cereals and their by-products is discussed. This review covers distinct methods implemented over the last 2–3 years, identifying that the type of method, extraction source, AX physicochemical properties and pre-treatment conditions are the main factors influencing the recovery yield. Alkaline extraction is among the most used methods nowadays, mostly due to its simplicity and high recovery yield. Concurrently, recovered AXs applied in food applications is timely reviewed, such as potential bread ingredient, prebiotic and as a wall material for probiotic encapsulation, in beer and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturing, complementary ingredient in bakery products and cookies, improvers in Chinese noodles, 3D food printing and designing of nanostructures for delivery platforms.

  • Architectural Modifications to Enhance Steganalysis with Convolutional Neural Networks
    • Remigiusz Martyniak
    • Bartosz Czaplewski

    This paper investigates the impact of various modifications introduced to current state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures specifically designed for the steganalysis of digital images. Usage of deep learning methods has consistently demonstrated improved results in this field over the past few years, primarily due to the development of newer architectures with higher classification accuracy compared to their predecessors. Despite the advances made, further improvements are desired to achieve even better performance in this field. The conducted experiments provide insights into how each modification affects the classification accuracy of the architectures, which is a measure of their ability to distinguish between stego and cover images. Based on the obtained results, potential enhancements are identified that future CNN designs could adopt to achieve higher accuracy while minimizing their complexity compared to current architectures. The impact of modifications on each model’s performance has been found to vary depending on the tested architecture and the steganography embedding method used.

  • Architecture at the Sites of the Former Nazi Concentration Camps. Functional Changeability of Commemoration
    • Agnieszka Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    2024 Pełny tekst

    The monograph presents a comprehensive analysis of the architectural structures created in the former concentration camps in Europe under the SS Main Economy and Administration Office. It delves into the history of memorial site creation in these areas, emphasizing the unique characteristics of monuments dedicated to the victims of terror. Additionally, the study covers the post-war architectural transformations in these areas, offering a detailed understanding of the historical and structural aspects of these memorial sites and monuments. This research highlights that architecture serves as more than just a structure; it is a powerful means of reorganizing space to establish a place that embodies memory. It demonstrates how architecture shapes space to commemorate the crimes committed and honor the victims, emphasizing the crucial role of design in preserving history.

  • Architektura oraz historia tzw. nowych koszar na Westerplatte w latach 1933–2023
    • Szymon Kowalski
    • Wojciech Samól

    Przedmiotem badań opisanych w artykule jest budynek tzw. nowych koszar na terenie Wojskowej Składnicy Tranzytowej (WST) na Westerplatte, który pełnił kluczową rolę w planie obrony polskiej placówki. Pomimo jego częściowo zachowanej bryły, nie został on do tej pory należycie rozpoznany w toku badań architektonicznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w latach 2019–2023, przedstawiono pierwotny wygląd, układ funkcjonalny oraz historię powstania koszar. W badaniach wykorzystano interdyscyplinarne metody, takie jak skanowanie laserowe z wykorzystaniem chmury punktów, fotogrametrię oraz metody tradycyjne, aby dokładnie zinwentaryzować oraz zidentyfikować zachowaną substancję obiektu. Na podstawie inwentaryzacji oraz serii kwerend archiwalnych autorzy, przy użyciu technik modelowania 3D stworzyli wirtualną rekonstrukcję obiektu przedstawiającą stan przed wybuchem II wojny światowej. Model posłużył za krzyżową weryfikację źródeł z zachowaną substancją koszar. W artykule zaprezentowano także po raz pierwszy widoki elewacji, przekrój oraz rzuty pięter, które ukazały organizację przestrzenną oraz funkcjonalną wnętrza budynku wraz z reinterpretacją funkcji poszczególnych pomieszczeń. Wyniki badań, często zmieniają i uszczegółowiają dotychczasowe ustalenia badaczy oraz znacząco pogłębiają stan wiedzy na temat historii tego unikalnego reliktu polskiej architektury XX w. Autorzy sądzą, że opublikowane po raz pierwszy całościowe wyniki zachęcą do dalszych badań nad tematem koszar oraz znacząco przysłużą się ochronie tego unikalnego dziedzictwa na Westerplatte.

  • Are creative users more apt in reusing and adopting Open Government Data (OGD)? Gender differences
    • Charalampos Harris Alexopoulos
    • Stuti Saxena
    • Nina Rizun
    • Ricardo Matheus
    • Marijn Janssen
    2024 Thinking Skills and Creativity

    Open Government Data (OGD) has been considered as a potent instrument for value creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders. Given that individual ingenuity is a function of individual and environmental factors, it is important to understand how the OGD adoption and usage is a factor of creative performance behaviors (CPB), viz., Problem Identification (PI), Information Search (IS), Idea Generation (IG) and Idea Promotion (IP) as well as creative self-efficacy (CSE). Invoking the adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) constructs alongside the moderating effects of CPB and CSE constructs and also gender, the present study seeks to underline the behavioural intention towards OGD adoption and usage among 362 undergraduate and postgraduate university students in India. Findings show that there are gender differences across the CPB and CSE constructs. The study’s contribution lies in furthering our understanding of OGD adoption and use with creativity literature

  • Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications
    • Samano Ramiro Robles
    • R. Venkatesha Prasad
    • Ad Arts
    • Mateusz Rzymowski
    • Łukasz Kulas

    This chapter presents a summary of the description and preliminary results of the use case related to the implementation of artificial intelligence tools in the emerging technology called wireless avionics intra-communications (WAICs). WAICs aims to replace some of the cable buses of modern aircraft. This replacement of infrastructure leads to: (1) complexity reduction of future airplanes, (2) creation of innovative services where wireless links are more flexible than wireline links, and mainly (3) a considerable weight reduction, which in turn leads to fuel consumption efficiency, increase of payload, as well as range extension. Therefore, WAICs is expected to have a large impact on the aeronautics industry, propelling a new generation of greener, more efficient, and less expensive aeronautical services. However, there are still several reliability, trust, interoperability and latency issues that need to be addressed before this technology becomes commercial. It is expected that AI will boost the applicability of this technology, contributing to the realization of the concept of “fly-by-wireless”.

  • Artificial intelligence in architectural education - green campus development research
    • Jan Cudzik
    • Lucyna Nyka
    • Jakub Szczepański
    2024 Pełny tekst Global Journal of Engineering Education

    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced new possibilities and challenges in design education. This article explores the need for changes and adaptations in the teaching process of design as AI-related technologies, based on image generation, transform the creative process and offer novel opportunities. In a research-by-design studio in an architectural faculty in Poland, students who utilised AI tools achieved more innovative and pioneering results than those designed with traditional tools. Based on these results, three alternative methods of working with AI tools were identified. In the semi-traditional approach, AI-generated images served for inspirational purposes solely. In the hybrid system, students integrated fragments of these images into their own urban decisions. Finally, in the hybrid-interactive approach, students used the higher-order loops in computer-human interaction to achieve more site-specific results. The research underscores the vast potential of AI integration, using image generation models in reshaping architectural design methodologies based on best practice.

  • Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Onychomycosis—Literature Review
    • Barbara Bulińska
    • Magdalena Mazur-Milecka
    • Martyna Sławińska
    • Jacek Rumiński
    • Roman Janusz Nowicki
    2024 Journal of Fungi

    Onychomycosis is a common fungal nail infection that is difficult to diagnose due to its similarity to other nail conditions. Accurate identification is essential for effective treatment. The current gold standard methods include microscopic examination with potassium hydroxide, fungal cultures, and Periodic acid-Schiff biopsy staining. These conventional techniques, however, suffer from high turnover times, variable sensitivity, reliance on human interpretation, and costs. This study examines the potential of integrating AI (artificial intelligence) with visualization tools like dermoscopy and microscopy to improve the accuracy and efficiency of onychomycosis diagnosis. AI algorithms can further improve the interpretation of these images. The review includes 14 studies from PubMed and IEEE databases published between 2010 and 2024, involving clinical and dermoscopic pictures, histopathology slides, and KOH microscopic images. Data extracted include study type, sample size, image assessment model, AI algorithms, test performance, and comparison with clinical diagnostics. Most studies show that AI models achieve an accuracy comparable to or better than clinicians, suggesting a promising role for AI in diagnosing onychomycosis. Nevertheless, the niche nature of the topic indicates a need for further research.

  • Artificial Neural Network based fatigue life assessment of riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates and optimization of riveted joints parameters
    • Reza Masoudi Nejad
    • Nima Sina
    • Wenchen Ma
    • Wei Song
    • Shun-Peng Zhu
    • Ricardo Branco
    • Wojciech Macek
    • Aboozar Gholami

    The objective of this paper is to provide the fatigue life of riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates and optimization of riveted joints parameters. At first, the fatigue life of the riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates is obtained by experimental tests. Then, an artificial neural network is applied to estimate the fatigue life of riveted lap joints based on the number of lateral and longitudinal holes, punch pressure, gap between the edge of hole and rivet, rivet shank diameter, and rivet shank length. Also, meta heuristic optimization algorithm is applied to calculate the riveting process parameters. Finally, sensitivity analysis is used to obtain the influence of parameters affecting the riveting process on the fatigue life.

  • Asphalt Overlay Enhancement with Fatigue High-Performing Multiaxial Geocomposite
    • Piotr Jaskuła
    • Michał Golos

    The use of gecomposite incorporating multiaxial geogrid and non-woven fabric of high bitumen retention in asphalt overlays results in the increase of life of the designed pavement structure. Such an approach can offer an opportunity to increase the fatigue life (higher traffic capacity) without the need to increase asphalt overlay thickness or to reduce the thickness of asphalt overlay without reduction of pavement life eventually. This concept results in both economic and environmental benefits. This paper presents the laboratory testing results of the fatigue life of double-layered asphalt specimens with geocomposite used directly in the pavement structure fatigue life calculations. Fatigue testing was performed in the scheme of four-point bending tests (4PB) of large beams in the controlled strain mode – both for reinforced and control specimens. Based on the results obtained, one can conclude that the rated multiaxial geocomposite has a clear and positive effect on asphalt overlay performance and thus has an evident potential to extend the asphalt pavement fatigue life. This paper also presents a slightly modified concept of the Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design method based on fatigue improving factors derived from the laboratory test investigation, allowing reinforcement benefits to be implemented into the design process. Finally, an example of the calculation of reconstructed asphalt pavement with the enhancement of the asphalt overlay reinforced by geocomposite is also presented.

  • Asphalt pavement structure optimization with alternative materials
    • Przemysław Ostrowski
    • Adam Zofka
    • Krzysztof Błażejowski
    • Marek Pszczoła
    2024 Archives of Civil Engineering

    The paper briefly describes modern method assessment of the pavement structure based on the simplified viscoelastic continuum damage (S-VECD) model. The method was used to compare two types of pavement structures. There were analysed classical cstructures with asphalt concretes with neat bitumen and innovative one- or two layered structures with SMA 16 with highly polymer modified bitumen (HiMA). Pavement structures using SMA 16 are especially recommended for local roads, thus two traÿc categories were analysed – light and medium. Furthermore, due to specific properties of layers with HiMA, for each variant two di˙erent types of improved sub-base were checked. The examples presented, despite reduced thickness of asphalt layers, structures with SMA 16 HiMA are much more resistant to fatigue than classic structures with asphalt concretes with neat bitumen. The results of the research confirm that it is possible to develop innovative structures with materials with above standard properties. New materials both with new arrangement of layers can bring a lot of advantages especially in the areas of sustainable development, costs reducing and improving properties of asphalt pavements.

  • Assessing climate change threats and urbanization impacts on surface runoff in Gdańsk (Poland): insights from remote sensing, machine learning and hydrological modeling
    • Khansa Gulshad
    • Michał Szydłowski
    • Andam Mustafa

    This study investigates the impacts of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes and climate change on surface runoff in Gdańsk, Poland, which is crucial for local LULC planning and urban flood risk management. The analysis employs two primary methodologies: remote sensing and hydrological modeling. Remote sensing was conducted using Google Earth Engine and Land Change Modeler in IDRISI Terrset software to analyze historical (1985–2022) and future (2050–2100) LULC. Hydrological modeling was performed using the Natural Resources Conservation Service curve number method to assess the overall impact of LULC changes on Gdańsk’s hydrology at the local scale. The Orunia basin, a critical area due to intensive LULC development, was selected for detailed hydrological analysis using the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). The analysis encompassed three scenarios: LULC changes, climate change, and combined LULC and cli- mate change effects. The LULC analysis revealed a marked increase in urban area, a shift in forest and vegetation cover, and a reduction in agricultural land. HEC-HMS simulations showed an increase in the runoff coefficient across selected decades, which was attributed to the combined effect of LULC and climate change. The projected increases under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios for 2050 and 2100 are projected to surpass those observed during the baseline period. The findings highlight that the synergistic effects of LULC and climate change have a more significant impact on Gdańsk’s hydrology at both local and basin scales than their separate effects. These insights into LULC shifts and urban hydrological responses hold implications for sustainable urban planning and effective flood risk management in Gdańsk and similar urban settings.

  • Assessing sustainable development goal 7 implementation and its nexus with social, economic and ecological factors in EU countries
    • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka
    • Iwona Markowicz
    • Agnieszka Sompolska-Rzechuła
    • Alina Stundziene

    This research paper delves into the captivating realm of sustainable development, specifically focusing on assessing the degree of implementation of sustainable development goal 7 (SDG7) and its intricate relationship with social, economic and ecological factors within European Union (EU) countries. By comprehensively unravelling the interplay between SDG7 and these multifaceted factors, this study provides invaluable insights into the ongoing sustainable energy revolution within the EU. To verify the research hypotheses, composite indicators (CI) were estimated for SDG7 and selected groups of indicators, employing a methodology grounded in sensitivity analysis. Our findings notably highlight the distinct significance of ecological factors in driving the development of clean energy systems. In contrast, the data did not support our hypothesis, which posited a significant relationship between economic factors and the implementation of SDG7. This evolving perspective underscores the growing recognition of the fundamental role that ecological factors play in shaping our sustainable energy future. Consequently, as we prioritise preserving and conserving our environment, the need to balance economic prosperity with environmental well-being becomes increasingly evident.

  • Assessing the industrialization progress of hydrodynamic cavitation process intensification technology: a review
    • Xun Sun
    • Haozhen Xu
    • Xiaoxu Xuan
    • Sivakumar Manickam
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj
    • Benlong Wang
    2024 Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering

    Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is widely acknowledged as a promising green approach for enhancing various production and waste management processes, such as water treatment, sludge pretreatment, lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) pretreatment, emulsification, and food processing. Despite demonstrating superior industrialization potential compared with other emerging technologies such as ultrasound and microwave, the widespread commercial adoption of HC remained limited even after three decades of development. This review aims to assess the current distance from industrialization and promote the advancement of HC by summarizing recent progress in the pilot or full-scale applications, particularly in biodiesel synthesis, water treatment, and the pretreatment of sludge and LCB. Special attention is given to treatment capacity and economic efficiency.