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Ostatnie pozycje
KASZUBY bionicznie. Studium formy
- Agnieszka Kurkowska
Wystawa towarzysząca Szkole Letniej “Dom&Ziemia” prezentuje studium form bionicznych i kulturowych osadzonych w realiach przyrodniczych Kaszub. Celem była prezentacja określonej metody twórczego działania jako preludium przeprowadzanych warsztatów, ale także ukazanie potencjału regionu.
"Kaszuby". Obraz olejny
- Jan Buczkowski
Jednym z ulubionych tematów malarskich Kazimierza Ostrowskiego były jego ukochane Kaszuby. Pejzaż kaszubski ma w sobie szczególną surowość. Może to efekt kamienia, który stale wyłania się z uprawnych pól czy może szaro-cementowych zabudowań gospodarczych wyzutych z koloru i pozbawionych jakichkolwiek zdobień? Szczególnie odczuwam to wczesną wiosną, chwilę przed „wybuchem zieleni” a także jesienią wśród zapachu kartoflisk i porannej mgły spowijającej jeziora i resztki rdzewiejących liści. Wśród najbardziej rozpoznawalnych „Kachowych” kaszubskich motywów takich jak kościół w Kartuzach z charakterystycznym dachem w kształcie trumny, moją uwagę zwrócił obraz pt. „Muchomor”. Wyjątkowo oszczędny w kolorze, z liniami miękko spływającymi z góry na dół, tworzącymi kształt trującego grzyba z ledwie widoczną wewnątrz sylwetą kościoła. Wydaje się, że jest w nim coś więcej niż tylko zachwyt nad energią natury. Surowość mocno już zżółkłego płótna z pracowni profesora wydała mi się adekwatna do moich skojarzeń na temat Kaszub i stała się tłem dla mojej pracy. Strużki białej farby spływając z górnej krawędzi obrazu częściowo je przysłaniają, tworząc rytmiczny układ mający przywoływać ducha kaszubskiego pejzażu.
Katalizatory wykorzystywane w syntezie biodiesla
- Kacper Pobłocki
- Juliusz Walczak
- Joanna Drzeżdżon
- Dagmara Jacewicz
Rising prices of electricity, conventional fuels and heating require decisive steps in the further development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. These include geothermal-; hydrothermal-; aerothermal-; and solar energy. Due to the fact that the petrochemical industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy, we would like to expand on the topic related to biofuels. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to conventional diesel. It is usually made from animal fat, vegetable oil and waste cooking oil. Its biodegradability, nontoxicity and lack of sulfur and aroma content make it superior to conventional gasoline and diesel. During fuel consumption, it emits fewer air pollutants and greenhouse gases other than nitrogen oxides. In this literature review, we will discuss the latest trends in the world related to catalysts used in biodiesel synthesis.
Katalog typowych konstrukcji nawierzchni jezdni przeznaczonych do ruchu bardzo lekkiego oraz innych elementów dróg
- Piotr Jaskuła
- Jacek Alenowicz
- Bohdan Dołżycki
W lipcu bieżącego roku zostało rekomendowane do stosowania przez Ministra Infrastruktury opracowanie WR-D-63, w którym zostały zawarte typowe konstrukcje nawierzchni dla dróg obciążonych bardzo lekkim ruchem oraz konstrukcje nawierzchni dla innych elementów dróg, obejmujących zatoki przystankowe, stanowiska postojowe, drogi manewrowe, drogi dla pieszych oraz drogi dla rowerów. W artykule przedstawiono zakres stosowania i ogólne założenia przyjęte w opracowaniu katalogu WR-D-63. Przedstawiono sposób przyjmowania konstrukcji nawierzchni oraz wybrane typowe nawierzchnie. Zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę opracowania katalogu WR-D-63, który stanowi uzupełnienie typowych konstrukcji nawierzchni przedstawionych w katalogach nawierzchni podatnych, półsztywnych i sztywnych z roku 2014.
Kategoria doskonałości w szkolnictwie wyższym
- Piotr Grudowski
Cel: Zaakcentowanie miejsca i znaczenia kategorii doskonałości w zarządzaniu instytucjami szkolnictwa wyższego oraz określenie uwarunkowań towarzyszących jej zastosowaniom. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Wykorzystano metodę studium literatury wg koncepcji zaproponowanej przez J. Creswella. Wnioski i rekomendacje płynące z rozważań oparto, przede wszystkim, na podejściu indukcyjnym. Wyniki/wnioski: Przedstawiono czynniki determinujące skuteczność wprowadzania i realizacji zasady doskonalenia przy uwzględnieniu charakterystycznych cech tych instytucji, w tym ograniczeń i zagrożeń towarzyszących ich działalności. Obok korzyści i zalet wskazano negatywne konsekwencje nieprzemyślanego posługiwania się pojęciem doskonałości w kontekście funkcjonowania szkolnictwa wyższego. Ograniczenia: Wybrano jedynie niektóre aspekty dotyczące zagadnienia doskonałości w odniesieniu do szkolnictwa wyższego. Badania mają charakter ograniczony do studium literatury światowej i obserwacji własnych. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wskazane w artykule czynniki wspierające i bariery oraz typowe problemy związane z realizacją działań doskonalących wynikają z wielu praktycznych doświadczeń i powinny być uwzględnione przez personel uczelni odpowiedzialny za doskonalenie w ramach konkretnych projektów. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Artykuł porządkuje wiedzę dotyczącą kategorii doskonałości i doskonalenia w szkolnictwie wyższym i wskazuje czynniki, które powinny być przedmiotem dociekań w tym zakresie.
Kazimierz Drewnowski Patronem Roku PTETiS
- Dariusz Świsulski
Przedstawiono postać Kazimierza Drewnowskiego, Patrona Roku 2021 Polskiego Towarzystwa Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. Drewnowski był organizatorem służb łączności w Legionach i Wojsku Polskim, profesorem elektrotechniki, dziekanem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Warszawskiej i rektorem PW.
Klasyfikacja emocji w muzyce filmowej z wykorzystaniem uczenia głębokiego
- Tomasz Ciborowski
- Szymon Reginis
- Dawid Weber
- Adam Kurowski
- Bożena Kostek
Praca przedstawia zagadnienia związane z klasyfikacją emocji w muzyce filmowej. W artykule zaproponowano model emocji zawierający dziewięć stanów emocjonalnych, do których przypisany jest kolor zgodnie z teorią koloru w filmie. Kolejne kroki eksperymentu obejmowały wybór muzyki filmowej do testów (baza Epidemic Sound), przygotowanie założeń ankiety oraz modelu emocji wykorzystywanych w testach odsłuchowych, a także konstrukcję ankiety. Ankieta została zrealizowana za pomocą formularzy Google. Przeprowadzono również analizę statystyczną wyników uzyskanych w testach subiektywnych. Częścią pracy jest opracowanie aplikacji do automatycznej klasyfikacji emocji na podstawie muzyki filmowej. Aplikacja wykorzystuje splotową sieć neuronową, która klasyfikuje emocje na bazie 30-sekundowych fragmentów muzyki reprezentowanych przez spektrogramy w skali melowej. W końcowej części pracy pokazano przykład wyników klasyfikacji emocji w muzyce filmowej uzyskanych za pomocą sieci neuronowej, zweryfikowanych w sposób subiektywny.
Klasyfikator SVM w zastosowaniu do synchronizacji sygnału OFDM zniekształconego przez kanał wielodrogowy
- Marek Blok
- Karol Gmiński
- Patryk Miklaszewski
W pracy przedstawiono analizę przydatności klasyfikatora SVM bazującego na uczeniu maszynowym do estymacji przesunięcia czasowego odebranego symbolu OFDM. Przedstawione wyniki wykazują, że ten klasyfikator potrafi zapewnić synchronizację dla różnych kanałów wielodrogowych o wysokim poziomie szumu. Eksperymenty przeprowadzone w Matlabie z użyciem modeli modulatora i demodulatora wykazały, że w większości przypadków klasyfikator prawidłowo oceniał przesunięcie czasowe symbolu OFDM, nawet gdy był trenowany dla innego modelu kanału.
- Witold Parteka
W artykule przedstawiono sylwetkę kmdr mgr inż. Stanisława Rymszewicza (1880-1973). Był absolwentem Wydziału Mechanicznego Morskiej Szkoły Inżynieryjnej w Kronsztadzie w Rosji. Oficer mechanik Floty Czarnomorskiej, w latach 1916- 1917 kierował Centralnymi Warsztatami Radiotelegraficznymi pod Sewastopolem, a od czerwca 1916 do rewolucji lutowej 1918 był oficerem radiotelegrafii w Sztabie Dowódcy Floty. Od stycznia 1919 przebywał w Polsce, w stopniu kapitana (dowódca wojsk radiotelegraficznych w Inspektoracie Wojsk Łączności). W latach 1923-1926 pełnił funkcję dowódcy Obozu Wyszkolenia Oficerów Łączności i garnizonu w Zegrzu. Służył w Polskiej Marynarce Wojennej (1927-1947) w Biurze Nowych Budowli w Kierownictwie Marynarki Wojennej, nadzorował budowę kontrtorpedowców i okrętów podwodnych, kierował Biurem Zaopatrzenia Marynarki Wojennej. W latach 1935-1937 był wiceprzewodniczącym Komisji Budowy w Anglii kontrtorpedowców ORP „Grom” i ORP „Błyskawica”. Podczas II wojny światowej w Rumunii nadzorował akcję przerzutu żołnierzy polskich do tworzącej się armii polskiej we Francji, po kapitulacji Francji wyjechał do Anglii, od stycznia 1940 roku do 31 marca 1947 roku był kierownikiem Referatu Techniki i Uzbrojenia Kierownictwa Marynarki Wojennej w Londynie. W grudniu 1947 roku powrócił do Polski. Od 1 kwietnia 1948 do 30 kwietnia 1951 był inspektorem kadłubowym w Wydziale Żeglugi w Gdańskim Urzędzie Morskim w Gdańsku. W latach 1951-1959 zorganizował i kierował inspektoratem elektrycznym w Polskim Rejestrze Statków w Gdańsku. Do śmierci działał aktywnie w Stowarzyszeniu Elektryków Polskich. Był autorem publikacji z zakresu radiotechniki i elektrotechniki.
Know your safety indicator – A determination of merchant vessels Bow Crossing Range based on big data analytics
- Mateusz Gil
- Paweł Kozioł
- Krzysztof Wróbel
- Jakub Montewka
Even in the era of automatization maritime safety constantly needs improvements. Regardless of the presence of crew members on board, both manned and autonomous ships should follow clear guidelines (no matter as bridge procedures or algorithms). To date, many safety indicators, especially in collision avoidance have been proposed. One of such parameters commonly used in day-to-day navigation but usually omitted by researchers is Bow Crossing Range (BCR). Therefore, this paper aims to investigate, what are typical, empirical values of BCR during routine operations of merchant ships, as well as investigate what factors impact this indicator and to what extent. To this end, a ten-year big dataset of real maritime traffic obtained from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) was used to provide statistical and spatiotemporal analyses. The results indicate that BCR is strongly related to the type of navigational area (open sea or restricted waters) but not with the dimensions or speed of ships. Among analyzed vessel types, passenger ships were noted as vessels that cross other bows at the closes ranges. Results of this study may be found interesting by fleet managers and developers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). The former could utilize the results to provide revised operational guidelines for deck officers while the latter - propose an early-detection warning system based on empirical data for prospective MASS.
Knowledge management and knowledge security—Building an integrated framework in the light of COVID‐19
- Małgorzata Zięba
- Ivano Bongiovanni
Abstract. This paper presents a framework of knowledge risk management in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, derived from the literature on knowledge management, knowledge security and COVID-19. So far, both researchers and practitioners have focused on knowledge as an asset and their efforts have been aimed at the implementation of knowledge management in various organizational contexts. However, with increasing threats related to cyberattacks or hazards associated with knowledge loss (as magnified by the COVID-19 crisis), there is a growing need to account for knowledge-related risks. In this conceptual paper, we integrate the contributions from the knowledge management and knowledge security fields, together with research on COVID-19 in an attempt to help organizations protect the knowledge they create, store and share. On the basis of a structured literature review, our investigation provides researchers and managers with a framework for securely handling organizational knowledge in a critical situation. Our framework revolves around two foci: one the one hand, building appropriate knowledge risk measures and controls; on the other hand, holistically tackling knowledge risks as part of knowledge management activities.
Knowledge Management for Managing Crisis in Tourism: Theoretical insights
- Ewa Stolarek-Muszyńska
- Małgorzata Zięba
COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented crisis affecting the entire tourism industry. Accommodation, food, and travel sectors have been affected by the decreased number of visitors, which had a ripple effect on the financial situation of the whole industry. The purpose of this work is a better understanding of the role of knowledge management in terms of mitigating the crisis in the tourism sector, as well as a development of the framework that appropriately addresses the relevance of KM in crisis situations. This study is based on the literature review of selected papers devoted to crisis management and knowledge management in the time of crisis. The research output is presented in the form of a new framework. This study focuses on the potential support of KM practices on the crisis management within a tourism industry. This work delivers the insights regarding the potential knowledge management application in tourism sector in terms of coping with high-volume crisis. The proposed framework shows that knowledge management practices can be potentially helpful in the time of crisis and may be integrated into a kind of framework for crisis management. Those practices need to be carefully adjusted to the particular situation and to the possibilities of their implementation, as well as to the type of crisis situation and its severity. Additionally, the importance of knowledge as a mean of support for tourism organizations in their decision-making process has been confirmed. Research output is limited to the theoretical contribution originating from the framework. This limitation is to be overcome in the future when the pilot study testing this framework is conducted. Findings of this study provides useful insights not only for the academic society and researchers, but also for tourism organizations striving for further development and improvement of its’ internal processes and handling a crisis situation. This paper improves the overall understanding about the role of knowledge management during a crisis in tourism sector. Theoretical findings provided in this study can constitute the inspirational benchmark for the tourism organizations helping them to catch on the impact of KM practices on the crisis management.
Knowledge pills in Education and Training: A Literature Review
- Ettore Bolisani
- Enrico Scarso
- Małgorzata Zięba
- Susanne Durst
- Alexandra Zbuchea
- Anna Lis
- Tomas Cherkos Kassaneh
Object and purpose: Knowledge pills (KPs) are a technique for transferring knowledge through short factual batches of content. In education and vocational training, they can help learners acquire specific pieces of knowledge in a few minutes, through a “microteaching” approach where learners can be involved in active and interactive exercises, quizzes, and games. Thanks to the advancements of multimedia platforms, they can contain a mix of contents, i.e.: lecturer voice, images, videos, or other e-learning applications. This paper explores the state-of-the-art literature on KPs, with a special focus on their actual use as a mechanism to boost effective knowledge transfer and learning processes. The goals are a) to clarify the definition and peculiar characteristics of KPs; b) to classify their main typologies; c) to analyse their implications under a knowledge management perspective, and d) to highlight actual application fields, pros, and possible cons. Methodology: This study is based on a literature review by means of a search in global citation databases and on a snowball effect, with collective participation and sharing among all the authors. The articles found were then selected and carefully analysed. Findings: The advantages of KPs can be related to the division of knowledge into small parts, which also fits today’s needs of learners to “study faster” and acquire the specifically required knowledge. In addition, KPs are made of reusable materials and can be more easily updated than traditional supports. Possible limits are that designing a KP can be difficult, and careful consideration of the actual learning process and the mechanism by which a certain type of knowledge is transferred from a “knower” to a “learner” is required. Research limitations: Research is based on a limited literature review. However, this limitation is going to be overcome in future research. Practical implications: Findings provide useful insights not only for academics and researchers but also for teachers and trainers dealing with all types of education.
Knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding in light of the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture- knowledge culture and human capital implications
- Wioleta Kucharska
- Teresa Rebelo
Purpose: This study examines the micromechanisms of how knowledge culture fosters human capital development. Method: An empirical model was developed using the structural equation modeling method (SEM) based on a sample of 321 Polish knowledge workers employed in different industries. Findings: This study provides direct empirical evidence that tacit knowledge sharing supports human capital, whereas tacit knowledge hiding does not, and this hiding is considered a waste of knowledge. If tacit knowledge does not circulate within an organization, it is a severe waste of an organization. The findings indicate that shame from making mistakes might impede the sharing of knowledge gained from making those mistakes, and in such cases, the knowledge remains hidden. Practical implications: Leaders aiming to ensure human capital growth should implement an authentic learning culture composed of a learning climate and mistakes acceptance components that enable open discussion about mistakes on each organizational level. Originality: The knowledge culture is found to be an essential element of building human capital but, at the same time, not sufficient without a learning culture, and its mistakes acceptance component. A permanent organizational learning mode that supports a continuous organizational shared mental model reframing is an antidote to tacit knowledge hiding. Keywords: knowledge culture, knowledge sharing, knowledge hiding, learning culture, mistakes acceptance, learning climate
Knowledge Sharing and Managing Intellectual Capital in the Times of COVID-19: Evidence from Polish Restaurant Industry
- Jagoda Goll
- Krzysztof Zięba
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to show how restaurants in Poland managed their intellectual capital (IC) in the COVID-19 crisis and how knowledge sharing (KS) helped them to survive in those dynamically changing conditions. Methodology: The study is based on qualitative research – semi-structured interviews with a few restaurant owners and managers responsible for the business operations during the first year of COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: Research results show that one of the key factors in the restaurant survival is their IC. Proper management of this capital allowed businesses to adjust to this unprecedented situation. Dynamic and intense KS between restaurants’ owners, managers and employees fastened the process of adjustment and provided new kind of services necessary to successfully operate in the new reality. Research limitations: The paper takes into consideration only selected restaurants in the Pomeranian region in Poland. Hence, the results cannot be generalized. Practical implications: The paper shows how restaurants’ managers and owners used KS and IC management in order to adapt their business operations to the COVID-19 reality. That can be inspiring for entrepreneurs and help them fully utilize IC of their employees and coworkers, as well as discover the benefits of KS practices. The study also shows the idea of supportive restaurant community and its important role in KS. It also shows arising coopetition between businesses in order to survive violent changes in the socio-economic environment. Originality/value: The paper focuses on dealing with the COVID-19 problems in the restaurant industry from the KS and IC perspective. So far, there are few studies of this kind that take the catering sector as the main subject of the research. Findings can be helpful and valuable not only for academics, but also for entrepreneurs and managers that seek knowledge and solutions they can use in order to grow and develop their organizations in the turbulent environment
Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures
- Sławomir Kozieł
- Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
The importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks (parameter tuning, uncertainty quantification, multi-criterial design, etc.), are often prohibitive. The replacement of full-wave simulations by fast surrogates may mitigate these issues; as a matter of fact, it is the only viable option for carrying out EM-driven design in many cases. Among available modeling approaches, data-driven surrogates are by far the most popular due to their accessibility and versatility. At the same time, a construction of reliable models is hindered by the curse of dimensionality, high nonlinearity of antenna characteristics, as well as broad ranges of parameters and operating conditions that the model has to cover to ensure its design utility. Recently proposed performance-driven modeling frameworks offer a workaround these issues by restricting the model domain to the parameter space regions that contain high-quality designs (w.r.t. the assumed performance metrics). However, the domain determination requires acquisition of a set of pre-optimized reference designs, which adds to the overall computational cost of the surrogate model setup in a significant manner. This work proposes a novel two-stage knowledge-based approach, where the confined domain is defined without using any reference designs. Instead, a preselected set of random observables is employed to establish an inverse regression model being a basis for domain determination of the final surrogate. Comprehensive numerical validation involving three antenna structures indicates that our methodology offers the computational benefits similar to those of the previous performance-driven methods while considerably reducing the initial setup cost, by a factor of sixty percent on the average, which has been achieved by exploiting the problem-specific knowledge.
Konferencja Związku Uczelni w Gdańsku im. Daniela Fahrenheita „Dzień Jakości FarU”
- Agnieszka Lendzion
Pierwsza w historii Związku Uczelni w Gdańsku im. Daniela Fahrenheita konferencja dla wzmocnienia potencjału dydaktycznego uczelni partnerskich odbyła się 9 czerwca br. na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Przedstawiciele 3 uniwersytetów FarU zapoznali się z ideą konsolidacji, wariantami uwspólniania działań w obszarach jakości kształcenia, wymienili się dobrymi praktykami dotyczącymi wdrażania innowacji dydaktycznych oraz społecznej odpowiedzialności uczelni.
Kooperacja w architektonicznym Studio
- Ziemowit Belter
Publikacja jest zapisem procesu analityczno-projektowego i jednocześnie dydaktycznego, w wyniku którego ukształtowały się studenckie propozycje rozwiązań przestrzennych. Została podzielona na trzy części. pierwsza, teoretyczna w pierwszych dwóch rozdziałach przybliża założenia planowanej inwestycji w perspektywy potrzeb i planów rozwojowych Rumi oraz celów inwestora - formy Vulcan, specjalizującej się w szkoleniach w zakresie morskiej energetyki wiatrowej. Kolejne trzy rozdziały dotyczą podstaw naukowych związanych z trendami projektowania dzielnic badawczo- przemysłowych oraz z podejściem proekologicznym w architekturze. Ostatnie dwa rozdziały opisują proces dydaktyczny i zastosowane w nim metody z perspektywy prowadzących oraz studentów. W druga część zawiera analizy urbanistyczne przeprowadzone dla miasta Rumi, opracowane wspólnie przez studentów w pierwszym etapie pracy. W trzeciej części książki zamieszczono efekt pracy projektowej - cztery wariantowe koncepcje urbanistyczne o charakterze masterplanów z projektami koncepcyjnymi dla formy Vulcan oraz wybranymi budynkami na terenie Invest Park Rumia
Korelacja ujemna : publikacje w MDPI a wskaźnik sukcesu w grantach NCN
- Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
- Anna Strzebońska
- Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
- Renata Mazurkiewicz
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy istnieje związek pomiędzy liczbą publikacji w czasopismach wydawnictwa MDPI przypadającą na daną jednostkę naukową, a jej wskaźnikiem sukcesu w konkursach Narodowego Centrum Nauki. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki zestawienia udziału procentowego publikacji MDPI w całkowitej liczbie publikacji danej jednostki naukowej z 2019 r., z jej wskaźnikiem sukcesu w pozyskiwaniu finansowania projektów badawczych w drodze konkursów ogłaszanych przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki, rozstrzygniętych w 2021 r.
Korozja w środowisku ropy naftowej. Czynniki i monitorowanie
- Tomasz Olczak
- Kazimierz Darowicki
- Stefan Krakowiak
- Artur Zieliński
Przedstawiono analizy właściwości ropy naftowej z punktu widzenia zawartych w niej czynników korozyjnych oraz ich wpływu na korozję stali w trakcie procesu destylacji ropy naftowej. Krytycznej analizie poddane zostały możliwości oferowane przez współczesne techniki pomiarowe. Wskazano na istotność prowadzenia kompleksowego programu oceny ropy, monitorowania korozji oraz stosowania ochrony inhibitorowej w celu ochrony instalacji przed procesami korozji.
KPŚ. spotkania sztuki z architekturą
- Agnieszka Kurkowska
Wycieczka dydaktyczna miała charakter oprowadzania tematycznego po wystawie czasowej pt. “Fangor. Poza obraz” z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań wystawienniczych w zabytkowym budynku Pałacu Opatów, merytoryczna prelekcja Pani Kurator Małgorzaty Paszylki-Glazy pozwoliła podążać architektoniczno-przestrzennymi tropami po kolejnych etapach twórczości artysty na szeroko zarysowanym tle historii i teorii sztuki. Studenci mogli wziąć udział w samodzielnej pracy pozwalającej twórczo odnieść się do zaobserwowanych zjawisk, w oparciu o autorską kartę zadań.
Kształtowanie nowej tożsamości regionalnej w przestrzeniach dominacji wody na Żuławach Delty Wisły
- Anna Rubczak
Celem naukowym rozprawy jest sformułowanie kierunku zagospodarowania przestrzennego regionu Żuław Delty Wisły. To unikatowy w skali europejskiej region, który jest fenomenem cywilizacji hydraulicznej i dominacji wody. Proces polderyzacji, który rozpoczął się już w XIII wieku doprowadził do utworzenia historycznych układów urbanistycznych. W roku 1945 nastąpiło przerwanie ciągłości kulturowej. Współcześnie na obszarze Żuław istnieją możliwość i warunki do tworzenia nowej tożsamości regionalnej. Pojawi się nowy trend rozwojowy oparty na potencjale przestrzennym związanym z rewitalizacją dróg wodnych. W pracy przeprowadziłam analizę dostępnych danych dotyczących historii regionu, przemian administracyjnych, przemian geomorfologicznych, przekształceń hydrografii, demografii, struktury osadniczej i architektury. Porównanie źródeł przed i po 1945 potwierdziły i zweryfikowały hipotezę, że istnieją możliwość, potrzeba i warunki wytworzenia nowej postindustrialnej i postmodernistycznej tosamoci przestrzennej regionu, która obecnie jest redukowana przez współczesne, niekorzystne procesy. Na pytanie badawcze, jak wpływa brak silnej tożsamości regionalnej na rozwój przestrzenny regionu, dla budowania tożsamości w przestrzeniach dominacji wody sformułowałam kilka odpowiedzi.
Laboratory fatigue assessment of large geocomposite-reinforced double-layered asphalt concrete beams
- Piotr Jaskuła
- Dawid Ryś
- Marcin Stienss
- Cezary Szydłowski
- Jacek Kawalec
- Michał Gołos
Geosynthetic reinforcement of asphalt layers has been used for several decades. Evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still ongoing, especially for new types of geocomposites. This paper presents the evaluation of fatigue performance of large asphalt concrete beams reinforced with a new type of composite in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions is bonded to polypropylene non-woven paving fabric. Unreinforced samples were used as reference. Fatigue testing was performed in the scheme of four-point bending test (4PB-PR) in the controlled strain mode at +13°C. Test results were analysed in several aspects, including the standardised approach based on stiffness reduction, but also using critical strain at one million cycles. A new parameter – relative increase in fatigue life – was introduced in the analysis as well. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that the evaluated composites will have evident positive effect on pavement performance and may contribute to a several fold increase in fatigue life of pavement structure. More benefits in terms of pavement bearing capacity are expected in the case of reinforcement of thick and new asphalt pavements. The use of hexagonal geogrid resulted in greater improvement of fatigue resistance than composites with square geogrid.
Laboratory fatigue assessment of large geocomposite-reinforced double-layered asphalt concrete beams
- Piotr Jaskuła
- Dawid Ryś
- Marcin Stienss
- Cezary Szydłowski
- Michał Gołos
- Jacek Kawalec
Geosynthetic reinforcement of asphalt layers has been used for several decades. Evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still ongoing, especially for new types of geocomposites. This paper presents the evaluation of fatigue performance of large asphalt concrete beams reinforced with a new type of composite in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions is bonded to polypropylene non-woven paving fabric. Unreinforced samples were used as reference. Fatigue testing was performed in the scheme of four-point bending test (4PB-PR) in the controlled strain mode at +13°C. Test results were analysed in several aspects, including the standardised approach based on stiffness reduction, but also using critical strain at one million cycles. A new parameter – relative increase in fatigue life – was introduced in the analysis as well. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that the evaluated composites will have evident positive effect on pavement performance and may contribute to a several fold increase in fatigue life of pavement structure. More benefits in terms of pavement bearing capacity are expected in the case of reinforcement of thick and new asphalt pavements. The use of hexagonal geogrid resulted in greater improvement of fatigue resistance than composites with square geogrid.
Labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan - a comparative study
- Krystyna Gomółka
The aim of the paper is to show the transformation and comparison of labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan using the following methods: deductive data analysis, observation of changes in the structure of resources based on publicly available macroeconomic data. During the two decades of the 21st century, both countries experienced population growth which translated into an increased number of persons of working age. In both countries, men were more active in the labour market and more than half of women were inactive. Both countries have seen an increase in the gross enrolment ratio at primary and secondary levels. In Kazakhstan the number of people with higher education fluctuated and in Uzbekistan it slowly increased. Unemployment decreased in both countries as a result of growing economy and economic migration. The net migration rate in both countries was negative, which affected the countries' labour resources.
Landscape of Automated Log Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review and Mapping Study
- Łukasz Korzeniowski
- Krzysztof Goczyła
Logging is a common practice in software engineering to provide insights into working systems. The main uses of log files have always been failure identification and root cause analysis. In recent years, novel applications of logging have emerged that benefit from automated analysis of log files, for example, real-time monitoring of system health, understanding users’ behavior, and extracting domain knowledge. Although nearly every software system produces log files, the biggest challenge in log analysis is the lack of a common standard for both the content and format of log data. This paper provides a systematic review of recent literature (covering the period between 2000 and June 2021, concentrating primarily on the last five years of this period) related to automated log analysis. Our contribution is three-fold: we present an overview of various research areas in the field; we identify different types of log files that are used in research, and we systematize the content of log files. We believe that this paper serves as a valuable starting point for new researchers in the field, as well as an interesting overview for those looking for other ways of utilizing log information.
Language Models in Speech Recognition
- Jan Daciuk
This chapter describes language models used in speech recognition, It starts by indicating the role and the place of language models in speech recognition. Mesures used to compare language models follow. An overview of n-gram, syntactic, semantic, and neural models is given. It is accompanied by a list of popular software.
Lanthanide-organic-frameworks modified ZnIn2S4 for boosting hydrogen generation under UV–Vis and visible light
- Jakub Sowik
- Tomasz Grzyb
- Grzegorz Trykowski
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Kostiantyn Nikiforow
- Onur Cavdar
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
- Anna Malankowska
Novel Ln-MOF with microrods shape were successfully combined with ZnIn2S4 (ZIS) microsphere and used for photocatalytic hydrogen generation under UV–Vis and visible light. The Ln-MOFs/ZIS system comprises lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks (Tm and Gd as metal ions, and 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC) as the organic linker) deposited on ZnIn2S4 microspheres. Effect of the amount of ((Tm,Gd)-BTC) (1, 5, 10 wt%) on the optical properties and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance was investigated. ZIS microsphere shows the marigold flower-like morphology and hexagonal polytopic crystal form. Our results proved that the combination of ZIS microsphere, Ln-MOF and Pt nanoparticles (NPs) caused significant enhancement in hydrogen generation. Amount of formed hydrogen was raised from 196.3 to 7782.1 μmol g−1 for pristine ZIS and ZIS decorated with 1% (Tm, Gd)-BTC/Pt under UV–Vis light, respectively.
Laplace domain BEM for anisotropic transient elastodynamics
- Ivan Markov
- Leonid A. Igumnov
- Alexander Belov
- Victor Eremeev
In this paper, we describe Laplace domain boundary element method (BEM) for transient dynamic problems of three-dimensional finite homogeneous anisotropic linearly elastic solids. The employed boundary integral equations for displacements are regularized using the static traction fundamental solution. Modified integral expressions for the dynamic parts of anisotropic fundamental solutions and their first derivatives are obtained. Boundary elements with mixed approximation of geometry and field variables with the standard nodal collocation procedure are used for spatial discretization. In order to obtain time-domain solutions, the classic Durbin’s method is applied for numerical inversion of Laplace transform. Problem of alleviating Gibbs oscillations is addressed. Dynamic boundary element analysis of the model problem involving trigonal material is performed to test presented formulation. Obtained results are compared with finite element solutions.
Laser Beam as a Precision Tool to Increase Fatigue Resistance in an Eyelet of Undercarriage Drag Strut
- Marek Szkodo
- Anna Bień
- Alicja Stanisławska
The article contains the results of tests on a laser-processed eyelet of undercarriage drag strut to increase its fatigue strength. Laser processing concentrated on both sides around the hole of eye for connecting the undercarriage drag strut caused that the material in this area withstood more than twice the number of load cycles established for this material. In order to determine the reasons for the increase in fatigue strength, residual stresses in laser-treated LT areas and in the base metal BM located between melted paths were determined, using the nanoindentation test and Williamson Hall method. The modified Williamson Hall analysis of XRD patterns was also used to determine the dislocation density in both areas. The results indicate that high residual tensile stresses occur in melted areas and in base metal located between melted paths occur high residual compressive stresses. A large increase in hardness and elastic properties, dissolution of non-metallic inclusions, as well as large solid solution and sub-grain strengthening contributed to the high fatigue resistance of the melted areas.
Laser Welding of UNS S33207 Hyper-Duplex Stainless Steel to 6061 Aluminum Alloy Using High Entropy Alloy as a Filler Material
- Dhanesh G. Mohan
- Jacek Tomków
- Sasan Sattarpanah Karganroudi
The high entropy alloy (HEA) filler used during the fabrication method determines the reliability of HEAs for steel-aluminum dissimilar alloy configuration. HEAs have a direct impact on the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMC) formed by the interaction of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), and influence the size of the joint’s interaction zone. A novel welding process for Fe-Al alloy joints was developed to prevent the development of a brittle iron-aluminum interface. This research involved investigation of the possibility of using HEA powdered filler. Fe5Co20Ni20Mn35Cu20 HEAs was used as a filler for the laser joining lap configuration joining hyper-duplex stainless steel UNS S33207 to aluminum alloy 6061. This HEA has unique properties, such as high strength, good ductility, and high resistance to corrosion and wear. A tiny portion of the stainless-steel area was melted by varying the welding parameters. The high-entropy alloy (HEA) with slow kinetic diffusion and large entropy was employed to aid in producing solid solution structures, impeding the blending of iron and aluminum particles and hindering the development of Fe-Al IMCs. The weld seam was created without the use of Fe-Al IMCs,. The specimen broke at the HEAs/Al alloy interface with a tensile-shear strength of 237 MPa. The tensile-shear strength achieved was 12.86% higher than for the base metal AA 6061 and 75.57% lower than for the UNS S33207 hyper-duplex stainless steel.
Lateral forces determine dimensional accuracy of the narrow‑kerf sawing of wood
- Kazimierz Orlowski
- Daniel Chuchala
- Marcin Szczepanski
- Wojciech Migda
- Wiktoria Wojnicz
- Jakub Sandak
The shrinking global forest area limits the supply of industrially usable raw resources. This, in combination with the ever‑increasing consumption of timber due to population growth can lead to the lack of a positive balance between the annual volumetric growth and consumption of wood. An important innovation toward increasing environmental and economic sustainability of timber production is to reduce the volume of wood residues by minimizing the sawing kerf. It results in higher material yield but may impact the dimensional accuracy of derived products. Therefore, the cutting tool geometry as well as the sawing process as a whole must be carefully optimized to assure optimal use of resources. The goal of this study is to better understand the causes of machining errors that occur when sawing wood with saws of varying thickness of kerf, with a special focus on re‑sawing thin lamellae performed on the gang saw. Numerical simulations were tested against experimental results, considering influence of diverse components of cutting forces, in addition to the initial and operating stiffness coefficients of the saw blade. It has been demonstrated that asymmetric loads from the cutting process for the scraper saw blade can cause sawing inaccuracies. The simulation methodology developed in this research can be straightforwardly extended towards determination of optimal geometry of other cutting tools, particularly with the reduced sawing kerf. This may lead to more sustainable use of natural resources as well as an increase in economic gain for the wood processing industries.
Layer-by-layer polymer deposited fabrics with superior flame retardancy and electrical conductivity
- S. Ehsanimehr
- R. Sonnier
- P. Najafi
- Franck Ducos
- Michael Badawi
- Krzysztof Formela
- Mohammad Saeb
- Henri Vahabi
Smart and multifunctional textiles and fabrics are progressively developing, such that multifunctional fabrics are becoming more widespread. We elaborated herein multi-layered flax fabrics with superior flame retardancy and conductivity, which revealed fireproof feature while keeping conductivity during burning. The flax fabric was reinforced by layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of sodium polyacrylate (SPA), polyethylenimine (PEI), ammonium polyphosphate (APP), and lastly a composite having poly(aniline-co-melamine) and montmorillonite (MMT) coated the aforementioned layers. The resulting multi-layered fabrics were characterized systematically by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Flame retardancy of fabrics was conducted on pyrolysis-combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC), and a vertical burning test. TGA test showed a significant increase in the amount of residue of the treated fabrics (37%) against 19% assigned to untreated flax fabrics. Surprisingly, PCFC showed a very low peak of heat release rate (pHRR) of 15 W/g (HRR) for reinforced flax fabrics with respect to 234 W/g assigned to untreated flax fabrics (≈ −94%). In addition, the vertical burning test demonstrated the fireproof character of multi-layered fabrics. The conductivity of coated flax fabric was in the range of 1–8 × 10−7 S/cm before burning, which astonishingly survived up to 30 s after burning. This bi-functional flame retardant and conductive fabric enables taking next steps towards development of fireproof conductive materials for advanced technologies.
Layered Morphology of Gdansk: Past, Present and Future.
- Saira Abbasi
- Nirmiti Sutar
- Małgorzata Kostrzewska
- Łukasz Bugalski
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
This study aims to analyze the urban fabric and form of the city of Gdańsk based on the Muratorian and Italian school of urban morphology, to deepen the understanding of the morphological process of the urban fabric. It can be seen that the urban fabric of the city is a juxtaposition of all these layers, and based on Muratori’s approach these are indicative of not just the past, present but also the future. The study sample is of the oldest areas of Gdansk that are identified to be dated from 10th to 16th Century and is known as Stare Miasto meaning Old Town. Analysis is based on the study of existing literature, historical archives, cartography and maps. It is seen that the surroundings of the Gdansk city center have changed, and a number of elements that were destroyed were not reconstructed. Minor shifting of matrix routes and development of new poles and nodes are visible, but the primary formation of matrix route visible from the 16th Century remains constant. The research identifies that the nodes, as well as, the edges of the historic city play an integral part in the shaping the urban tissue and form. Furthermore, the river and its shape act as edges as well, and the changes in the shape of the river influence the shape of the urban form.
Le reti della terza Italia.Imprese, calcio, sponsirzzazioni e territorio in Serie B 81982-2006)
- Luciano Segreto
Il capitolo si occupa dei rapporti tra imprese e sponsirzzazioni dei club calcistici italiani della serie B tra il 1982 e il 2006
Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review
- Khalil Ahmad
- Habib-ur-Rehman Shah
- Muhammad Khan
- Amjad Iqbal
- Erich Potrich
- Larissa Souza Amaral
- Sidra Rasheed
- Haq Nawaz
- Asif Ayub
- Khalida Naseem
- Ali Muhammad
- Ashfaq Muhammad
Due to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available for drinking purpose. From these pollutants lead is highly toxic metal which badly affects humans as well as aquatic organisms. Due to its toxic and non-degradable nature, it is listed in top ten hazardous metals. Various adsorbents are applied for removal of lead from water. Recently, Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks a subclass of Metal Organic Frameworks introduced by Yaghi group having outstanding stability and porosity are applied for removal of lead from water using adsorption method as reported in many studies. In this review recent progresses for removal of lead from water by adsorption method using ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 MOFs are discussed in detail. Adsorption mechanism includes electrostatic/coordination interactions, π-π-stacking and ion exchange method for lead removal from aqueous medium are discussed in detail. Pseudo 2nd order-equation and Langmuir model are well fitted for elucidation of adsorption mechanism for lead removal.
Lead-free bismuth-based perovskites coupled with g–C3N4: A machine learning based novel approach for visible light induced degradation of pollutants
- Magdalena Miodyńska
- Alicja Mikolajczyk
- Paweł Mazierski
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Grzegorz Trykowski
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
The use of metal halide perovskites in photocatalytic processes has been attempted because of their unique optical properties. In this work, for the first time, Pb-free Bi-based perovskites of the Cs3Bi2X9 type (X = Cl, Br, I, Cl/Br, Cl/I, Br/I) were synthesized and subjected to comprehensive morphological, structural, and surface analyses, and photocatalytic properties in the phenol degradation reaction were examined. Furthermore, the most promising Pb-free Bi-based Cs3Bi2X9 perovskites (i.e., structures that present an optimal combination of structural features and efficiency) were selected using a machine learning based virtual screening methodology and enriched with the C3N4 composite. The selected and designed Cs3Bi2 (Cl/Br)9 structures were in line with the “safe and sustainable by design” approach and applied for the first time in the aforementioned reaction, which allowed for approximately 84% efficiency under visible light. The main merit of this achievement was the optimum deposition of perovskite Cs3Bi2(Cl/Br)9 (5 wt%) on the C3N4 matrix, which resulted in approximately a two-fold increase in the apparent quantum efficiency of the composite compared with that of bare C3N4 (at an excitation wavelength of 430 nm).
Lessons learned during SRAD hybrid motor development
- Mateusz Czapski
- Norbert Szulc
- Julia Godlewska
- Wiktor Lachowski
- Natalia Balogh
- Wojciech Deszczyński
- Krzysztof Hucik
- Kacper Zieliński
- Dariusz Kardaś
- Anna Rusin
- Maja Kaszuba
- Wiktor Sieklicki
Student Researched and Developed (SRAD) hybrid rocket motor H-15 with total impulse of 15 $kNs$ was built. First version of the engine has average thrust of 3 $kN$, the second, improved one is prepared with an aim to have average thrust of 5 $kN$. Engine development was started from scratch and went through phases of: definition of design assumptions and constraints, numerical modelling to predict engine performance, CAD and CAM models preparation, manufacturing and static testing. Outcomes and conclusions of each phase will be presented, as well as development decisions which were the result of engine testing. H-15 employs nitrous oxide as an oxidizer and polypropylene and polyamide as fuels. This selection of materials was chosen due to their relative ease of preparation and wide availability. The engine was built by SimLE student organisation, form Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland). SimLE is one of the largest organisations at GUT which brings together students interested in many aspects of aerospace engineering. The reason for hybrid rocket propulsion development was participation in international rocketry competitions, such as Spaceport America Cup and European Rocketry Challenge. The goal of these contests is delivering 4 $kg$ of payload to an altitude of 3000 $m$ by a sounding rocket. Conclusions from the engine development process will be discussed, as well as perspectives for further development of our engine.
Lessons learned from developing an Industry 4.0 mobile process management system supported by Artificial Intelligence
- Mateusz Kalinowski
- Paweł Weichbroth
Research, development and innovation (RDI) projects are undertaken in order to improve existing, or develop new, more efficient products and services. Moreover, the goal of innovation is to produce new knowledge through research, and disseminating it through education and training. In this line of thinking, this paper reports and discusses the lessons learned from the undertaken project, regarding three areas: machine learning (artificial intelligence), computational intelligence, and database management systems (DBMS). As nowadays, a numerous of the RDI projects are oriented towards the development of data intensive solutions, the authors are confident that these lessons will be valuable not only for data engineers, but also for those researchers and practitioners who are dealing with the issues related to building and validating machine learning models, applications of moving averages to high-frequency data streams, and the implementation and deployment of DBMS.
Li nucleation on the graphite anode under potential control in Li-ion batteries
- Arihant Bhandari
- Chao Peng
- Jacek Dziedzic
- John R. Owen
- Denis Kramer
- Chris-Kriton Skylaris
Application of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles requires improved safety, increased lifetime and high charging rates. One of the most commonly used intercalation anode material for Li-ion batteries, graphite, is vulnerable to Li nucleation, a side reaction which competes with the intercalation process and leads to loss of reversible capacity of the battery, ageing and short-circuits. In this study, we deploy a combined grand canonical large-scale electronic density-functional theory (DFT) and Poisson–Boltzmann electrolyte theory to study the nucleation and growth of Li clusters on the graphite anode in the presence of its surrounding electrolyte environment at different applied voltages with respect to the Li metal reference electrode. We find the voltage below which the nucleation energy becomes negative (corresponding to Li nucleation becoming energetically favourable), the ‘potential of zero nucleation energy’ (UPZN). We observe a distinct minimum in the plots of UPZN as a function of the size of nucleated clusters. When the applied voltage on the graphite electrode is below the minimum value of UPZN, the nucleated clusters start growing unbounded on graphite electrode. This potential for cluster growth (UPCG) is found to be -0.12 V on the periodic basal plane of unlithiated graphite and -0.08 V on lithiated graphite. The corresponding potential for the zigzag edge termination is -0.06 V on unlithiated graphite and -0.04 V on lithiated graphite. Thus, the nucleation and cluster growth is favored on the zigzag edge termination of the graphite electrode as compared to the periodic basal plane and on the lithiated graphite as compared to the unlithiated graphite. We find that the surrounding environment plays a significant role and that nucleation is more likely to occur in electrolyte environment than that predicted from calculations in vacuum. We observe that the potentials obtained with grand canonical ensemble DFT method in electrolyte are close to experimentally available data. The study has profound implications for the nucleation, growth and control of metal dendrites in a battery cell.
Light intensity analysis of photovoltaic parameters for perovskite solar cells
- Damian Głowienka
- Yulia Galagan
The number of publications on perovskite solar cells (PSC) continues to grow exponentially. Although the efficiency of PSC is exceeded 25.5%, not every research laboratory can reproduce this result or even pass the border of 20%. Unfortunately, it is not always clear which dominating mechanism is responsible for the performance drop. Here, we develop a simple method of light intensity analysis of JV parameters allowing the understanding what are the mechanisms appearing in the solar cell and limiting device performance. The developed method is supported by the drift-diffusion model and aimed to help in the explanation of the parasitic losses from the interface or bulk recombination, series, or shunt resistance in the perovskite solar cell. This method can help not only point on the dominating of bulk or interface recombination in the devices but also determine which interface is more defective. The detailed and stepwise guidance for such a type of light intensity analysis of JV parameters is provided. The proposed method and the conclusions of this study are supported by a series of case studies, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method on real examples.
Light4Health eLearning Course: health research for interior lighting design. Re-thinking design approaches based on science
- Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
This paper presents the results of 'Light4Health' (L4H), a three-year EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant project (2019-2021), which investigated, systematized and taught health-related research on the impact of natural and artificial light on human health and well-being relevant to indoor lighting design. The objective was to re-think evidence-based lighting design approaches for residential, working/educational, and healthcare spaces, in order to develop a novel cross-disciplinary eLearning platform, that intersects lighting design and current peer-reviewed health research through a select combination of the most relevant research, methods, and tools. The content was developed through teaching workshops with international researchers, teachers, and students. Participating students were introduced to the application of relevant research and new metrics, in order to produce creative lighting design proposals. Students were able to inform lighting design approaches that support health and well-being without compromising creativity via the tools and methods developed through the health sciences. With this project, participants and consortium members have narrowed the gap that exists between research and the practice/application of lighting, by translating research from complex scientific jargon into various tools for designers to use. The knowledge gained, was consolidated into an open-access online curriculum for international lighting design students, educators and professionals via the free eLearning Moodle platform (https://course.light4health.net/).
Light‐Driven Multi‐Charge Separation in a Push‐Pull Ruthenium‐Based Photosensitizer – Assessed by RASSCF and TDDFT Simulations
- Stephan Kupfer
- Maria WäCHTLER
- Julien Guthmuller
The performance of photosensitizers in the field of, for example, solar energy conversion, relies on their light-harvesting efficiency in the visible region, population of long-lived charge separated intermediates, as well as their charge-accumulation capacity amongst other properties. In this computational study, we investigate the photophysical properties of a bis(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)-based black dye (Ru) incorporating a chromophoric unit based on a thiazole donor-acceptor pushpull motif. The combination of two light-harvesting units, that is, the Ru(II)polypyridyl and the thiazole-based organic dye, yields close-lying metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) states, involving both ligand spheres as well as intra-ligand charge transfer (ILCT) states of the organic dye. Due to the combination of inorganic and organic chromophores the computational modelling of the photophysics of Ru is challenging. To this aim, time-dependent density functional theory and multiconfigurational methods are applied. The excited-state properties obtained for the states of interest are rationalized by electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. The CAMB3LYP functional was found to accurately describe the ground and excited-state properties of Ru. Finally, excited-state relaxation pathways and the multi-charge-accumulation capacity were addressed. Despite the unidirectional nature of the MLCTthia and ILCTthia transitions, the thiazole unit is merely capable to store one redox equivalent.
Lighting conditions in Home Office and occupant’s perception: an international study
- Cláudia Naves David Amorim
- Natalia Giraldo Vasquez
- Barbara Matusiak
- Julia Kanno
- Natalia Sokół
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
- Sergio Sibilio
- Yasuko Koga
- Giovanni Ciampi
- Marta Waczyńska
The global pandemic and physical distancing restrictions are forcing us to rethink how residential buildings are used regarding the visual environment. This paper describes home office lighting conditions within different countries and continents. The aim is to define the current limitations of home offices in providing a resilient visual environment. The work was developed by a team of international experts working together on Subtask A: User perspective and requirements, in International Energy Agency IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77 “Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting”. The method included an international online survey in 6 countries in South America, Europe and East Asia containing 37 questions about general data, physical characteristics of the home office and occupant’s perception, behaviour and needs regarding the visual environments, and photos taken by the occupants. Descriptive statistics, inspection of the photos, and qualitative analysis from the open-ended question were performed. In total, 694 responses and 453 photos were analysed, making it possible to identify the occupants’ perceptions about the lighting and visual environment in the home offices both for professionals and students. The results indicate cultural differences in styles of residential buildings and interiors, in the custom of using lighting, and between continents and occupational categories. Possible improvements are suggested.
Lighting conditions in home office and occupant’s perception: Exploring drivers of satisfaction
- Natalia Giraldo Vasquez
- Cláudia Naves David Amorim
- Barbara Matusiak
- Julia Kanno
- Natalia Sokół
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
- Sergio Sibilio
- Michelangelo Scorpio
- Yasuko Koga
This paper depicts lighting home office conditions within different countries and continents, emphasizing the user’s satisfaction with the visual environment. The scope of this article is to investigate the drivers of participants’ satisfaction with the lighting conditions at the home office. The study was developed by a team of international experts working together on Subtask A: User perspective and requirements, Task 61 IEA (International Energy Agency): Solutions for daylighting and electric lighting. An online survey was launched in December 2020 and closed on March 2021. The survey was implemented in the native languages of six participant countries (Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, and Japan) using Google Forms, and its dissemination was via various social media platforms. Measures of association between variables and predictive tests were run to explore which investigated aspects drove participants’ satisfaction with the lighting conditions at the home office. We found some differences in satisfaction due to participants’ sex, occupation, and participants’ continent of residence. Females were more satisfied with daylight than males. Associations between the perception of seven light descriptors and satisfaction showed differences between East Asians and the rest of the participants, which might be related to the high dependence of the formers on electric lighting even when daylight is available. Design features as southern facades, the distance from the working area to the window, type of internal sun shading were related to daylighting satisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction with the general light level and the electric light was higher for those participants who did not need to switch on the ceiling, floor, or desk lamp when daylight was available. We found that an external view composed of 3 layers and the sky’s visibility afforded a higher satisfaction with the window view. Having an independent room for the home office appeared to be related to a higher willingness to continue in the home office. Likewise, higher satisfaction with the overall visual environment and window view appeared to increase the willingness to continue working from home. Bridging the gap amid cultural differences and daylighting and lighting satisfaction is needed, particularly, relational studies between design features –as a response of cultural, climatic, and local practices- and occupants’ preferences and acceptability.
Limits of enhanced of macro- and meso-scale continuum models for studying size effect in concrete under tension
- Patryk Chodkowski
- Jerzy Bobiński
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
The paper investigates a mechanical quasi-static size effect in concrete during splitting tension at the macro- and meso-level. In experiments, five different diameters of cylindrical concrete specimens were tested. Twodimensional plane strain finite element (FE) simulations were carried out to reproduce the experimental size effect. The size effect in experiments by Carmona et al. was also simulated. Two enhanced continuum concrete models (elasto-plastic and damage) were used which were enriched in softening by a characteristic length of micro-structure with the help of a nonlocal theory. In macro-level simulations, the effect of crucial geometric and material parameters on the size effect was carefully studied such as the width of loading/supporting strips, concrete fracture energy in tension,concrete compressive strength and stiffness of loading/supporting strips. The focus was on the distribution of primary and secondary strain localization zones. In addition, some 2D size effect calculations were performed within enriched elasto-plasticity at the meso-scale by considering the real heterogeneous meso-structure of concrete from the front side of experimental specimens. The calculated size effect on the splitting tensile strength at the macro- and meso-scale proved to be weaker than in our experiments. Shortcomings of enhanced continuum models for size effect simulations were outlined.
Limits Theorems for Random Walks on Homeo(S1)
- Gabriela Łuczyńska
- Tomasz Szarek
The central limit theorem and law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains corresponding to random walks on the space Homeo(S1) of circle homeomorphisms for centered Lipschitz functions and every starting point are proved.
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Azobenzene Derivatives Modified with an (Amino)naphthalene Moiety
- Marta Dudek
- Anna Kaczmarek-Kędziera
- Radosław Deska
- Jakub Trojnar
- Patryk Jasik
- Piotr Młynarz
- Marek Samoć
- Katarzyna Matczyszyn
The design of two-photon absorbing azobenzene (AB) derivatives has received much attention; however, the two-photon absorption (2PA) properties of bis-conjugated azobenzene systems are relatively less explored. Here, we present the synthesis of six azobenzene derivatives and three bisazobenzenes substituted (or not) at para position(s) with one or two amino group(s). Their linear and nonlinear absorption properties are studied experimentally and theoretically. The switching behavior and thermal stability of the Z-isomer are studied for unsubstituted mono- (1a, 2a) and bis-azobenzene (3a) compounds, showing that when the length of the π system increases, the half-life of the Z-isomer decreases. Moreover, along with the increase of π-conjugation, the photochromic characteristics are impaired and the photostationary state (PSS) related to E−Z photoisomerization is composed of 89% of the Z-isomer for 2a and 26% of the Z-isomer for 3a. Importantly, the 2PA cross-section increases almost five-fold on extending the π-conjugation (2a vs 3a) and by about one order of magnitude when comparing two systems: the unsubstituted π-electron one (2a, 3a) with D-π-D (2c, 3c). This work clarifies the contribution of π-conjugation and substituent effects to the linear and nonlinear optical properties of mono- and bis-azobenzene compounds based on the experimental and theoretical approaches.
Linking music data in executable documents
- Adam Kaczmarek
This paper presents the application of Interactive Open Document Architecture (IODA) to music and video data. This architecture was design to create multilayer documents which consist of many files. The paper shows the method of creating media documents on the basis of IODA. These kind of documents were called IODA Media Documents (IMD). IMD have links that connect many different kinds of files containing music and video data. A group of files became a single entity which can be easily processed by computer applications.